The Temperament Hypothesis was created by Kagan
The Temperament Hypothesis suggests that what has an effect on attachment?
Innate personality
Sensitivity of caregiver
Age of parent
Kagan's Temperament Hypothesis is a direct response to?
Ainsworth's maternal sensitivity hypothesis
Schaffer and Emerson's stages of sociability
Bowlby's evolutionary theory
What are the two main types of culture?
Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988) used the Strange Situation Test in their cross-cultural variations meta analysis
What conclusions did Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg make?
Everyone makes attachments in the same way
In some countries there are no attachments made
The variation within cultures is greater than the variation between cultures.
Insecure attachment is most popular attachment type
German parents raise their children to be close to them at all times.
In what country are infants raised by a Metapelet (foster mother), according to Fox (1977)?
What is a criticism of the use of the Strange Situation Test in cross-cultural studies?
It is culturally biased to the Western culture
It is culturally biased to the Northern culture
It is culturally biased to Eastern culture
It is culturally biased to Southern culture