Assessment is ..........
Telling a candidate what they got wrong
Judging the degree to which a candidate has met given criteria
Current is..........
Evidence that the candidate can perform competently at the time of assessment
Enough evidence to show the candidate has met the criteria
Authentic is .........
Evidence that clearly relates to the candidate rather than another or a group
An assessment in a real situation
Evidence is ...........
A certificate of competence
Information from a variety of sources that proves a candidate’s competence
Sufficient is ...............
Enough evidence to prove competence
A similar mark from at least 3 assessors
Standardisation is ................
The standards against which assessments are made
Checks that different assessors would make similar judgements on the same evidence
Assessment criteria are .....................
A check on assessor qualifications
Transparent is .................
The requirements of the assessment are made clear to the candidate
A clear piece of plastic used to mark multi choice questions
Competence is ...................
The ability to perform in a work-related function to national standards
A race between two candidates to see who can finish their assessment first
Valid is ..............
The candidate's own work
It measures what it is supposed to measure
Fair is ......................
Just and equitable conditions in the assessment process for all candidates
The same assessment for every candidate
Collusion is ..................
Secret cooperation between candidates in the production of evidence
A meeting between assessors to update their subject knowledge
Reliable is ..............
A candidate who attends for assessment when they say they will
The consistent ability of an assessment/assessor to distinguish accurately between competent and not competent performance
External Quality Consultant/Assurer is ...............
Someone from the awarding body who monitors centre operations
An independent person bought in by a centre to do assessments
Assessment plan is ...............
Written reports from the candidate describing activities they have carried out
An agreed, detailed written statement between candidate and assessor of how the candidate will demonstrate competence
Candidate report is ...................
Oral or written reports from the candidate describing activities, processes and some self assessment
A disciplinary procedure
Direct evidence is .................
Evidence that candidates have produced themselves
Anything physical or mental that prevents a candidate from taking up assessment
Quality assurance is ..................
Keeping evidence in case of appeal
Methods by which standards are regularly checked and monitored
Holistic assessment is .............
Collecting evidence that can be used for more than one unit
Special assessment arrangements made around religious festivals
Witness testimony is ................
A third party statement confirming competence against specific criteria
Evidence that candidates have produced historically