Created by Alice Kimpton
about 5 years ago
What is air conditioning
What is comfort air conditioning?
What is process air conditioning?
What is psychometry?
What does it include and where is it used?
What is moist air?
How does water vapour content vary?
How would you work out mass for water vapour or dry air?
What is Dalton's law (how to work out partial pressure of air)?
Total enthalpy (of moist air)?
Specific enthalpy of moist air?
Working out specific humidity or humidity ratio or moisture content?
What is Tdp equal to? And what is that equal to?
What will happen to the moist air temperature?
What is the Dew Point?
What is the pressure of moist air equal o
What happens when you add more water vapour to dry air and water vapour?
At this state of saturation, what happens?
Equation for relative humidity?
If Pv < Pv,sat, how else could this be written?
How is percentage saturation/degree of saturation defined?
How is this expressed
How is moist air saturated?
How would you measure the dry-bulb temperature?
Why would we use the term dry-bulb temperature?
How would you measure the wet-bulbs temperature?
What happens when the 2 thermometers are exposed to a flow of air?
What must happen for evaporation to take place?
How is the rate of evaporation controlled?
What does the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperature give?
How to work out temperature of adiabatic saturation / thermodynamic wet-bulbs temperature?