Melissa Skopak
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Architectural Registration Exam Site planning & Design Quiz on SPD Chapters, created by Melissa Skopak on 04/02/2015.

Melissa Skopak
Created by Melissa Skopak over 9 years ago

SPD Chapters

Question 1 of 28


What type of circulation system responds most sympathetically to the existing natural environment?

Select one of the following:

  • grid system

  • linear system

  • curvilinear system

  • radial system


Question 2 of 28


To move large volumes of traffic at high speed, the most effective type of circulation system is

Select one of the following:

  • highways

  • expressways

  • arterials

  • distributors


Question 3 of 28


Land use development patterns are MOST frequently determined by

Select one of the following:

  • topographic factors

  • climatic factors

  • utility systems

  • street systems


Question 4 of 28


The primary advantage of 60-degree parking is that it

Select one of the following:

  • saves space

  • is easier to use

  • is safer to use

  • cost less to construct


Question 5 of 28


A neighborhood shopping center is BEST located at

Select one of the following:

  • the intersection of an arterial and collector street

  • the intersection of two local streets

  • the foot of an expressway ramp

  • the interchange of an expressway


Question 6 of 28


From among the following street design criteria, select those that are correct
I. Curb radii should be 12'-0" minimum
II. Compound curves are preferred over simple curves
III. Traffic lanes should be about 12'-0" wide.
IV. Parking lanes should generally be avoided
V. Intersections should be at right angles wherever possible.

Select one of the following:

  • I, IV

  • I, III, V

  • II, III, IV

  • I, III, IV, V


Question 7 of 28


Power lines are generally located above, rather than below, ground because they are

Select one of the following:

  • easier to repair

  • faster to install

  • less costly

  • less dangerous


Question 8 of 28


From among the following handicapped design criteria, select the incorrect statement

Select one of the following:

  • wheelchair paths should not exceeed a 1:20 grade

  • Wheelchair ramps should not exceed a 1:12 grade

  • Wheelchair ramps should not exceed 30'-0" in length

  • Wheelchair turning spaces should not be less than 3SF


Question 9 of 28


Which of the following should be avoided in the design of a large parking lot?
I. acute angle parking
II. ramped exit driveway
III. dead level paved areas
IV. Dead end aisles
V. Pedestrian circulation

Select one of the following:

  • III, IV

  • III, V

  • I, II, V

  • II, III, IV


Question 10 of 28


The primary objective of good pedestrian circulation is

Select one of the following:

  • economy

  • permanence

  • safety

  • speed


Question 11 of 28


Which of the following will MOST effectively divert subsurface water away from a building's foundation?

Select one of the following:

  • Place the foundation below the water table

  • Modify the contours of the site during finish grading

  • Install drainage tiles adjacent to the bottom of footings

  • Provide a bed of coarse gravel at the perimeter of the foundation


Question 12 of 28


If the loads of a proposed structure are high relative to the bearing capacity of the soil, one would likely provide

Select one of the following:

  • a mat footing

  • continuous wall footings

  • combined footings

  • shallow spread footings


Question 13 of 28


A system of piles may be appropriate for supporting a structure when

Select one of the following:

  • moisture in the soil is detected

  • the piles can be placed below groundwater level

  • dense earth makes conventional excavation difficult

  • the surface soil has low bearing capacity


Question 14 of 28


Frost line refers to the level of earth

Select one of the following:

  • at which the soil bearing value is affected by weather

  • at which the building foundation should be located

  • below which the footings will not freeze

  • below which the soil does not freeze


Question 15 of 28


For a structure with very heavy loads resting on dense earth, which of the following would be MOST appropriate?

Select one of the following:

  • boat footings

  • jetted piles

  • wood piles

  • structural steel piles


Question 16 of 28


Placing load on a footing results in

Select one of the following:

  • reduced soil bearing capacity

  • differential settlement

  • a reduction of the soil's void volume

  • shrinkage of the soil


Question 17 of 28


The principal purpose of all soil exploration and testing is to determine the

Select one of the following:

  • bearing capacity of the soil

  • intrinsic character of the soil

  • depth of the water table

  • depth of the bedrock


Question 18 of 28


The design of a surface drainage system for a residential development is based on a five-year storm. During a review, the drainage system is found to be incapable of handling the expected runoff. Therefore, it should be

Select one of the following:

  • changed to a subsurface system

  • changed to employ non-erosive materials

  • designed for a 10-year storm

  • designed for a 100-year storm


Question 19 of 28


In the residential development of the previous question, runoff might be reduced by using

Select one of the following:

  • flat roofs, rather than sloped roofs, on the residential units

  • wider roof eaves on the residential units

  • more paved areas

  • greater areas of vegetation


Question 20 of 28


All of the following describe the general climatic characteristics of an area EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • temperature

  • topography

  • humidity

  • wind velocity


Question 21 of 28


Sustainable design is primarily concerned with which of the following issues?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Economics

  • Aesthetics

  • Environment

  • Mechanical Systems


Question 22 of 28


The Natural Step is an approach to the environment that follows which of the following principles?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The biosphere affecting humans is a relatively stable and resilient zone that includes five miles into the earth's crust and five miles into the troposphere

  • Improved technologies have dramatically increased the number and quantity of available natural resources

  • Toxic substances released into either the sea or atmosphere will only influence areas adjacent to the toxic source

  • Using building materials that are recycled is an adequate sustainable design approach

  • None of the above


Question 23 of 28


The planning phase of a sustainably designed architectural project should include which of the following elements?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Native landscaping that is aesthetically pleasing and functional.

  • Designing structures in the floodplain that can resist the forces of flood waters

  • Consideration of sun orientation, topographic relief, and the scale of adjacent buildings

  • Locating projects within existing neighborhoods that are adjacent to public transportation


Question 24 of 28


Life cycle costing is an economic evaluation of architectural elements that includes which of the following factors?

Select one or more of the following:

  • First Cost

  • Maintenance and operational costs

  • Repair Costs

  • Replacement cost


Question 25 of 28


LEED is concerned with which of the following?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Indoor air quality

  • Storm water

  • Construction costs

  • tax benefits

  • innovative energy systems

  • aesthetic design


Question 26 of 28


Which of the following is a consultant who might be employed in a sustainable design project?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Wetlands engineer

  • Energy commissioner

  • Landscape architect

  • Energy modeling engineer


Question 27 of 28


Sustainable design may require research and education that is beyond a normal architectural project. Which of the following is part of this process?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Energy modeling

  • Education of the client

  • Art selection

  • Selection of energy efficient appliances


Question 28 of 28


Sensitivity to the nuances of site conditions is key to sustainable design. Which of the following are site conditions the architect should examine in the design process?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Solar orientation

  • decorative landscaping

  • scale and style of adjacent structures

  • groundwater conditions
