Effects of Alcohol on reward:
Alcohol either acts directly upon µ ❌ or releases endogenous opiates such as ❌.
It causes increased ❌ release in ❌. Reinforcing effects also theoretically mediated by enhancing ❌ inhibition and reducing ❌ excitation.
Factors Associated With Alcoholism
• Environmental Factors
1. family or peer ❌ behavior
2. availability of other reinforcers (e.g. recreational resources)
3. job/educational opportunities
4. conditioned stimuli (❌ paired with drug use)
5. ❌ of alcohol
• Host Factors - Genes:
1. + and - for alcohol (reduced gene expression for alcohol dehydrogenase reduced
sensitivity to alcohol phenotype in alcoholics);
2. Antisocial or ❌ traits; risk-taking
3. Prior experience/expectations
Tx: Naltrexone on the ❌ reduces reward.
Naltrexone - µ ❌: blocks ❌ effects of alcohol, decreases cravings. ❌ used to mediate ‘withdrawal’ over a few weeks to prevent symptoms like life threatening seizures.
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encephalin and endocannabinoids
encephalin and endocannabinoids
environmental cues
environmental cues
Cost/ease of availability
Cost/ease of availability
opiate antagonist
opiate antagonist
Long acting benzodiazepines
Long acting benzodiazepines