This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 20 questions in this quiz.
Surah AL Baqarah is a Macci Surah (True or False)
Surah AL Baqarah and Surah Ikhlas are two lights ,that will shade their people on the Day of Resurrection. (True or False)
Shaytaan does not enter a house where Surah Baqarah is recited. (True or False)
The Surah got its name from the story of the Goat mentioned in the Surah (True or False )
For every hurf we read, we get thirty Rewards. (True or False)
The Original Quran is in the seventh heaven among the exalted Angels in a preserved and well protected tablet called Lauhai Mahfooz. (True or False)
Rai'bb is that doubt which creates unrest and uncertainty. (True or False)
Taqwa is to be very certain of the Day of Judgement. (True or False)
To gain Taqwa, we have to give Salah its due Haq. (True or false)
The Prophet( pbuh) never spoke out of his desires, except that it was inspired to him by Allah. (True or False)
Kufur is a term used to describe the behavior of certain people who hide the truth. (True or False)
Kufur is also understood as ingratitude. (True or False)
The People mentioned in Ayah 6 are those who had knowledge, yet they denied and disbelieved in the Prophet( pbuh ) and the Quran. (True or False)
Allah seals their hearts, due to constant and deliberate denial . (True or False)
The people mentioned in Ayaath 8-10 are the hypocrites. (True or False)
The root letter meanings of Insaan are Choose the Right Answer
To move, back and forth
To forget
To love
When we try to deceive Allah, we are actually deceiving our ownself. (True or False)
Name the two diseases of the heart
Shahwath( desires )
Shubuhath( doubt )
Enlargement of the heart
If desires and doubts are not cured, they become incurable. (True or False)
The three signs of a hypocrite Choose the Right Answer
He speaks lies
He breaks promises
He betrays