Created by kjohannesson94
about 10 years ago
What do planning initiatives affect?
reasons to not support planning initiatives.
Who does the legal system limit in terms of authority?
The legal system does not consider the merits of a particular planning initiative but rather it considers:
what are the 4 key steps in implementing to adopting plans?
What assigns responsibility over local matters and municipal institutions to the provinces?
any powers that a municipality has must be provided through what?
provinces will continue to supervise municipal authority in order to promote __________ objectives
key points about municipalities:
- who are they creatures of?
- who places limits on them?
- what can't they regulate?
- what must they protect?
what does provincial legislation define a municipal purpose as?
in section 4 of the Cities Act, what is the purpose of cities?
the cities act provides _______ powers to the municipality
Baird v. Oak Bay
Shell Canada Products Ltd. v. Vancouver
Chaperon v. Sault Ste. Marie (City)
Town of Hudson
What are cases showing the scope of municipal authority? (valid & invalid cases)
A bylaw or resolution must have what to be valid? and it must relate and lie within what?
Municipalities have no ________ status.
If a municipality exceeds its delegated authority, who's responsibility is it to declare the action invalid?
What does the Saskatchewan's Urban Municipalities Act of 1984 provide to municipalities?
What act were the specific powers, stated in the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Act of 1984, replaced by?
Municipalities Act, 2002
What kind of Acts are replacing enabling legislation in most Canadian jurisdictions? Why?
What is an important feature of new municipal statutes? what are these new powers intended to do?
What are natural person powers?
What do core municipal statues do?
What are some Saskatchewan Core Municipal Statutes?
provincial legislation defines municipalities as ________ and grants them what powers?
What are some corporate powers that municipalities have?
What are some Ancillary Municipal Statutes in Saskatchewan?
Who are municipalities governed by?
What people does the council consist of ?
decisions are made by council as a whole; therefore decisions are made by ______ vote
What powers do mayors have in Saskatchewan?
what council committee business is not conducted in public?
What bylaw, in Saskatoon, outlines the duties of the City Manager, city solicitor and the city clerk?
What are the powers and duties of the City Manager?
What are the 2 competing themes in the Canadian Planning regime?
Areas of interaction between the Federal and local governments
What are 2 sources of provincial interest?
In Saskatchewan, bylaw amendments can only be appealed to the Courts on...?
The Saskatchewan Municipal Board doesn't have what powers that the Ontario Municipal Board does?
What is the Planning and Development Act?
how does Saskatchewan classify municipalities?
How does a municipality become an approving authority?
What powers does council gain when they become an approving authority?
Statement of Provincial Interest
General categories for Statements of Provincial Interest (14)
Official Community Plans?
What should a municipal plan consist of?
How do municipal plans play a dual role?
Yorath Plan
Community Planning Scheme, 1966
Plan Saskatoon
Growing Forward
Old St. Boniface Residents Assn. Inc. v. Winnipeg
In Saskatchewan, what must conform to the OCP?
If a bylaw conflicts with the OCP then...
Eighth Street Business Assn. v. Saskatoon
Public Health movement
When was Saskatoon's first zoning bylaw adopted?
what were the 2 major purposes of early zoning bylaws?
What does the PDA state that the purpose of the zoning bylaw is?
what is the most important tool for implementing planning policies?
categories of districts in Saskatoon's Zoning bylaw
Use regulation categories
Permitted uses
prohibited uses
discretionary uses
accessory uses
Corman Park v. Berry Barn
Georgain Bay (township) v. Skidmore
What does zoning control?
what do development standards regulate?
what are development standards motivated by?
what are site specific rules intended to do?
council may pass an interim development control (IDC) bylaw to control development of an area that may be affected by:
Who must approve an IDC and how long can it remain in effect for?
What are some bad things about zoning?
contract zoning
zoning agreements cannot govern the...
direct control districts
Architectural controls
Holding zones
How have holding zones been used in Saskatoon?
Advanced Zoning tools (in Saskatchewan)
advanced zoning tools in other jurisdictions
discretionary direct control
Vancouver Charter
transferable development rights
New York Church - transfer development rights
form based zoning
How do zoning amendments com about?
the planning process must be ____, _______, _________ and _______.
clear process
fair process
transparent process
democratic process
the purpose of consultations
What are the 2 types of concerns?
process concerns
issue based concerns
public notice
what do you want all stakeholders to know with respect to a particular planning issue?
public hearing
Explain the steps of a public hearing
True or False: Zoning bylaws are discriminatory in their nature
What is an example of how zoning is discriminatory ?
R v. Bell
Smith v. Tiny
Aurora v. Anglican Houses
Why was the Manitoba bylaw that imposed restrictions on the location of group care homes quashed?
There were studies on how group homes affected the neighbourhoods they were located in. What are the results?
how do you reconcile the concerns expressed by neighbouring residents?
What are indicators of bad faith?
R. v. Vanguard Hutterite Brethren Inc.
Parks West Mall v. Hinton
Chernipeski v. Lacombe