heather kuebler
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Biological Anthropology Quiz on Chapter 12: The Origins, Evolution, and Dispersal of Modern People, created by heather kuebler on 23/11/2019.

heather kuebler
Created by heather kuebler almost 5 years ago

Chapter 12: The Origins, Evolution, and Dispersal of Modern People

Question 1 of 23


What distinguishes early archaic Homo Sapiens from Homo Erectus?

Select one of the following:

  • presence in Asia and Europe

  • loss of large browridges

  • development of a projecting chin

  • reduction in skeletal robusticity


Question 2 of 23


What aspect of Neandertal culture supports their intelligence?

Select one of the following:

  • their simpler Mousterian stone

  • inefficient hunting techniques

  • no communicating by speech

  • symbolic burial rituals


Question 3 of 23


Modern Homo Sapiens most likely evolved

Select one of the following:

  • from archaic Homo Sapiens already living in Africa, Asia, and Europe

  • in Africa and replaced archaic Homo Sapiens in Asia and Europe

  • in Asia and Europe and replaced archaic Homo Sapiens in Africa

  • in Africa and assimilated archaic Homo Sapiens in Asia and Europe


Question 4 of 23


How did modern Homo Sapiens reach North and South America?

Select one of the following:

  • They crossed the Pacific Ocean from Austrailia

  • They migrated from Southeast Asia via the Pacific islands

  • They migrated from northeastern Asia along the Bering land bridge

  • They traveled from southern Africa through Antarctica


Question 5 of 23


Homo Floresiensis has not been proposed to be

Select one of the following:

  • a modern human with a developmental abnormality

  • within the range of variation of local human populations

  • an isolated descendant of an earlier hominin species

  • a descendant of modern humans


Question 6 of 23


Archaic Homo sapiens

Select one of the following:

  • occurs only in Europe and Asia.

  • shows a mixture of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens traits.

  • is dated to the late Pliocene.

  • is often found with Oldowan stone tools.


Question 7 of 23


The earliest archaeological evidence of humans in Australia is from ________, dating to ________ yBP.

Select one of the following:

  • Kow Swamp; 13,000

  • Lake Mungo; 42,000

  • Melbourne; 25,000

  • Tasmania; 35,000


Question 8 of 23


A hominid fossil that has a long, low skull; projecting face and occipital bone; and large nasal aperture is likely to be classified as having ________ characteristics.

Select one of the following:

  • modern

  • australopithecine

  • archaic

  • apelike


Question 9 of 23


The Homo floresiensis specimen

Select one of the following:

  • had a small brain due to a pathology.

  • lived about 20,000 yBP.

  • is the result of genetic drift.

  • fits Allen’s rule in body proportions.


Question 10 of 23


Neandertals’ cold-adapted traits include

Select one of the following:

  • a narrow nasal aperture.

  • long limbs.

  • a thin torso.

  • a projecting midface.


Question 11 of 23


Painted perforated shells are evidence that Neandertals

Select one of the following:

  • traded with modern humans.

  • used body ornaments.

  • used symbolism.

  • used body ornaments and symbolism.


Question 12 of 23


The MOST distinctive traits about the cold adaptation complex of Neandertals are

Select one of the following:

  • the suprainiac fossa and globular shape of the skull.

  • thick bones and extra muscles.

  • the body and the length of the arms and legs.

  • the retromolar space and heavy wearing on the teeth.


Question 13 of 23


If you happen to get on a bus full of Neandertals, according to recent reconstructions, you

Select one of the following:

  • would not notice, if they were dressed in appropriate attire.

  • would be immediately cannibalized.

  • could easily tell that you were sitting with a group of hominins that were of a different species or subspecies.

  • would have the largest brain on the bus.


Question 14 of 23


The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bone(s) collected at Kebara, Israel?

Select one of the following:

  • the cervical (neck) vertebrae

  • the mandible

  • the ribs

  • the hyoid


Question 15 of 23


To date, the majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in

Select one of the following:

  • India.

  • Europe and western Asia.

  • northern Africa.

  • southeast Asia.


Question 16 of 23


The Neandertal world included

Select one of the following:

  • North Africa, East Africa, and Europe.

  • western Europe only.

  • the entire Mediterranean region in Europe and North Africa.

  • most of western Europe (France, Spain), the entire European Mediterranean, and western Asia.


Question 17 of 23


The Neandertals’ disappearance after 30,000 yBP likely involved

Select one of the following:

  • a measurable degree of genetic assimilation into modern human (African) populations.

  • isolation into small groups that eventually disappeared one by one.

  • rapid extinction due to climate change.

  • migration into parts of Asia where they were not well adapted, and thus, died out.


Question 18 of 23


In Atapuerca 5, early archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertal specimens show heavy wear on the incisors and canines, indicating

Select one of the following:

  • the use of the front teeth for gripping materials.

  • the purposeful modification of teeth to demonstrate social rank, as with the Aztecs.

  • their use for shaping the cutting edges of stone blades.

  • the chewing of massive amounts of fibrous materials.


Question 19 of 23


The morphology of the Paleoindian skull from Kennewick indicates that it

Select one of the following:

  • was recovered from an elaborate burial.

  • represents an early Eskimo population.

  • looks quite different from modern Native Americans’ skulls.

  • is about 3,000 years old.


Question 20 of 23


Cannibalism was

Select one of the following:

  • practiced by Neandertals but not modern humans.

  • practiced by modern humans but not Neandertals.

  • not practiced by any form of Homo sapiens.

  • practiced by Neandertals and modern Homo sapiens.


Question 21 of 23


A distinctive trait of people from East Asia and the Americas is

Select one of the following:

  • shovel-shaped incisors.

  • a large nose.

  • thick, long bones.

  • extra muscles on the scapula.


Question 22 of 23


The out-of-Africa model asserts

Select one of the following:

  • a single origin of modern people and eventual replacement of archaic Homo sapiens throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe.

  • the importance of gene flow across population boundaries.

  • migrations of australopithecines out of Africa.

  • migrations of Homo habilis out of Africa.


Question 23 of 23


Human beings first arrived in the Americas approximately ________ yBP.

Select one of the following:

  • 50,000

  • 25,000

  • 15,000

  • 5,000
