Created by kadyn drummond
almost 5 years ago
Quantum Numbers
Principle Quantum Number
The number of mainshells in an atom is the same as the number of
The maximum number of mainshells for the known elements
The formula used to calculate the possible number of electrons in a given mainshell
The maximum number of valence electrons
When using letter designation for mainshells start with
Angular Momentum Quantum Number
Sublevel numbers have integral values from
The number of sublevels possible in a mainshell is equal to
The greatest number of sublevels in any mainshell is
Sublevels correspond to
Sublevel numbers with sublevel letter designations
Sublevel letter designation with their maximum number of electrons
The number of electrons in a sublevel corresponds to
Magnetic Quantum Number
The magnetic quantum number integral values
The number of orbitals in a sublevel is
Shape of the p orbital
Shape of the s orbital
Spin Quantum Number
Electrons spin in an orbital because
The possible values for the spin