This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 30 questions in this quiz.
The Bani Israel and the Arabs in Madina lived in harmony. (True or False)
When the Messenger of Allah( pbuh ) came to Madina, the Arabs accept him as their Prophet and so did the Bani Israel. (True or False)
The Arabs found the disbelief of the Bani Israel very strange and this made them doubt their own faith. (True or False)
The common man among the Bani Israel tampered with the book of Allah . (True or False)
Tah'reef Lafhziya is to alter the words either by omitting or adding words. (True or False)
Taf'reef Mana'wiya is change the interpretation of the words. (True or False)
On the Day of Judgment, people will argue and blame each other. (True or False)
According to Islam an Ummi is one who does not have the revealed scripture. (True or False)
The Majority of our Ummah is Ummi because we have the revealed scripture but do not have the knowledge of the book. (True or False)
Some Examples of Aa'mani( false hope ) Choose the Right Answer
Read Ayah tul kursi before going to sleep and an angel will be appointed to guard.
Read a particular name of Allah for such a number of times and your wish will be granted
Read Surah Kahf on Fridays and there will be a light
Read Surah Mulk on the deceased
Islam is based on evidence and not on assumptions (True or False)
When a person writes something which is good, true, it becomes a sadaqah jariya for him. Similarly if he writes something which is bad, untrue, it is a means of distruction for him. (True or False)
Since the Bani Israel were the chosen people, Allah promised them Jannah. (True or False)
Allah promised Jannah to the companions of Rasulillah( pbuh ) because they struggled and sacrificed for the Deen. (True or False)
Good deeds erase minor sins and major sins consume the good deeds of a person. (True or False)
Ihsaan is to do good to someone when they have hurt you. (True or False)
Our living, dying, our sacrifice, obedience should be for Allah and His Messenger( pbuh ) (True or False)
Ihsaan with old parents includes talking, spending time and expressing our appreciation . (True or False)
It is not mandatory to do Ihsaan with your father's uncles and aunts. (True or False)
Adopting an orphan is Ihsaan however he will always be known by his own biological father. (True or False)
Buying food for a fakeer would be Ihsaan rather than giving them money. (True or False)
To speak in a language unknown and to speak swearing words and code language is not from beautiful speech. (True or False)
Keep a balance, give the Haq of Allah and the Haq of People. (True or False)
Birr is the islah of our behavior, habits and thoughts. (True or False)
The condition for islah is Iqlas and Iman. (True or False)
Iman requires a strong foundation. (True or False)
If the foundation is strong, Iman stays as a habit and will avail us in the Akhirah. (True or False)
When you leave that which pricks your heart, you attain Taqwa. (True or False)
Birr is when you are absolutely content in your heart about a certain deed. (True or False)
I memorized the Dua of Aqlaq. (Yes or No)