When people misunderstand you, don't be sad and remember that ______________. (Pick the Best Answer)
Allahﷻ understands you and knows you
People will never be happy
People will always make life hard on you
It doesn't matter
Allah gives ___________ to everyone but __________ to Special Chosen Ones.
Blessings | Guidance
Tests | Blessings
Food | Money
Health | Wealth
Life | Eternal Life
To get Allah's love?
Follow Rasul Allahﷺ
Say Allah's name "Al Wahab" 1000 times
Love Allahﷻ
Distribute food at the Shrines
Follow a Saint (Peer)
Allahﷻ loves those people who are _____________.
Pure (Internally and Externally)
Muslims (even just by name)
Social Workers
Very Strict in Deen
Allahﷻ is High in His Status yet He is Near us.