witse cools
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Design patterns kruiswoordraadsel, created by witse cools on 03/01/2020.

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witse cools
Created by witse cools over 4 years ago

Design patterns kruiswoordraadsel

Question 1 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Patterns in many applications
what varies
Favor over inheritance ->
Dan was thrilled with this pattern ->
Java IO , Networking, Sound ->
Most patterns follow from OO ....
Not your own .
High level libraries ->
Pattern that fixed the simulator ->
Program to this, not an implementation ->
Duck demo was located where ?
Patterns go into your
Learn from the other guy's ?
Development constant
Patterns give us a shared


Question 2 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

In factory method,each franchise is a __
We used __ in Simple Factory and Abstract Factory and ine-herintance in Factory
Abstract Factory creates a ___ of product
In factory method, who decides which class to instantioate
Not a real factory pattern but handy nonetheless
Role of PizzaStore in Factory Method Pattern
Alle new york style pizza’s use this kind of cheese
In abstract factory, each ingredient factoryis a ____
When you use new, you are programming to an __
Ethan likes this kind of pizza NYSTYLE createPizza() is a __
Joel likes this kind of pizza
In factory Method, the PizzaStore and the concrete pizza class all depend on this abstraction
When a classs instantiates an object from a concrete class, it’s ___ on that object
All factory patterns allow us to __object creation


Question 3 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

It was one of a kind
Multiple can cause problems (down) CAR Added to chocolate in the boiler
A singleton is a class that manages an instance of __
If you don’t need to worry about lazy instantiation, you can create your instance__
Prior to 1,2 this can eat your Singletons
The singleton was embaressed it had no public__
The classic implementation doesn’t handle this
An incorrect implementation caused this to overflow
Singleton ensures only one of these exist
Singleton provides a single instance and __
The singleton pattern has one
Flawed multithreading approach if not using Java 1.5
Chocolate capital os the
One advantage over global variables: __ creation
Company that produces boilers
To totally defeat the new constructor, we have to declare the constructor___


Question 4 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Role of costumer in the command pattern
Our first command object controlled this
The waitress was one
A command __ a set of actions and a receiver
Invoker and receiver are ___
Company that got us word of mouth business
Dr. Seuss diner food
Our favorite city
Act as the receivers the remote control
All command provide this
The cook and this person were definitely decoupled
Carries out a request
Object that knows the actions and the receiver
Another thing command can do
Object that knows how to get things done
Waitress didn’t do this
A command encapsulates this


Question 5 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

True of false, adapters can only wrap one object
Decorator called adapter this
One advantage of facade
Priciple that wasn’t as easy as it sounded
An adapter __ an interface
Movie we watched
A __ adds new behavior
Masquerading as a duck
Example that violatest he principle of least knowledge: System.out ___
If in europe you might need one of these
Adapter with two roles
No movie is complete without this
adapter client uses the __ interface
Facade still __low level acces
Duck do it better than turkeys
Disadvantage of the principle of least knowledge: too many __
A __ simplifies an interface
An adapter and a decorator can be said to __ an object
New american dream


Question 6 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

1Strategy uses …. Rather than inheritance
4Type of sort used in Arrays
5The JFrame hook method that we overrode to print “I Rule”
6The Template method pattern uses …. To defer implementation to other classes.
8Coffee and …
9Don’t call us, we’ll call you is known as the …. Principle
12A template method defines the steps of an ….
13In this chapter we gave you more ….
14The template method is usually defined in an … class
16Class that likes web pages …
2…. Algorithm stept are implemented by hook methods
3Factory method is a … of Template method.
7The steps in the algorithm that must be supplied by the subclasses are usually declared

8Huey, Louie and Dewey all weigh… pounds
9A method in the abstract superclass that does nothing or provies deafult behavior is called a … method
10Big headed pattern
11Our favorite coffee shop in object ville
15The Arrays class omplements its template method as a ….


Question 7 of 7


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Observable is a ___ not a interface
Ron was both an Observer and a __
You say you want to keep your coupling ___
Implements this method to get notified
Jill got one of her own
CurrentConditionsDisplay implements this interface
He says you should go for it
How to get yourself off the Observer list
__ can manage u-your observers for you
Java framework with a lot of observers
Weather o rama’s
nemed after this kind of storm
You forgot this if you’re not getting notified when you think you should be
Observers like to be ___ when something new happens
The WeatherData class___ the Subject interface
One subject likes to talk to ___ observers
He didn’t want any more ints, so he removed himself
CEO almost forget the ___ display index
Don’t coun’t on this for notification
Subject initially wanted to ___ al the data to Observer down
Temperature, humidity and___
Observers are __ on the Subject
Program to an __ not an implementation
E A subject is similar to a __
