32- year old healthy man became unwell one day after eating sandwiches with minced meat. The disease onset is abrupt with fever of 39.5 C, rigor, fatigue, repeated vomiting and watery diarrhea with green colored stools with mucus, but no blood. The patient is admitted to the infectious unit of the hospital. At the time of admission he is in poor general condition, pale, intoxicated with reduced skin turgor, oliguria, RR 80/40mmHg, and marked tachycardia, weak pulse, cool extremities and acrocyanosis.
The laboratory tests results show: mild leukocytosis with presence of bans, CRP- 16, elevated Hct, blood urea nitrogen- 16 mol/l, Na 130 mmol/L, decompensated metabolic acidosis.
Which is the most likely causative agent?
Select one of the following: