Created by Jacob Sipple
almost 5 years ago
reservoir vs flux
% evaporated from ocean returns to ocean
hydrologic cycle
how much evaporated water from land returns to land
how much water on earth is in the ocean
major sources of freshwater
water usage in world
how much irrigation water do NC used per day vs california
which countries use over 75% of their sustainable water
top of groundwater
how is groundwater replenished
how much groundwater extracted in US/person
how is groundwater found in earth
where are streams and lakes replenished in humid areas
climate change impact on groundwater
RCP 6.0 rainfall change
circulation cell diagram
palmer drought severity index
which 2 states had severe or extreme drought for more than 20% of 1895-1995
when was dustbowl palmer index in kansas and nebraska
where in us most permafrost
name of 3 layrs of soil containing permafrost
organic soil in permafrost vs world