degree to which a study can be repeated with same results.
Degree to which a study measures what its intended to.
Relationship between 2 or more variables
Are cause effect/correlation synonymous?
Existence of a 3rd variable that causes correlation
5 ways gender can affect research
All the people in a study.
3 steps to show cause/effect
Proportion of Population
research method for investigating cause/effect under highly controlled conditions.
Relationship you think exists.
Open ended Q
3 of 10 steps in sociological research
A peoples entire way of life.
people that participate in a culture... defined area
Only humans depend upon their culture rather than instincts to survive
Represents more than itself
Set of symbols that allow people to communicate
Broad standards for behavior
Specific state that reflects reality
Specific rules for behavior
Relies on technology and artifacts
People perceive through the cultural lens of language.
Beliefs created from values
Values do not represent actual behavior
Reaction to norms
Ideal Culture
Real culture
Knowledge we apply to the task of living
Who developed socio-cultural evolution?
Cultural patterns that distinguish some pattern of social society
People that reject/want to change subculture
U.s educational program recognizing cultural diversity, promotes equality.
Standards used to judge a culture
Uses own culture to judge another
Uses another culture to judge own.
Using European standards to judge a culture
Emphasizing African cultural patterns
Close relationships among various elements of a cultural system
Cultural elements change at different rates which may disrupt a cultural system
3 factors that cause cultural change.
Elements of culture found in all known society.
Stresses the link between culture and inequality, says that any cultural trait benefits some at expense of others.
sees culture as a complex strategy for meeting human needs.