Alex Gorashov
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Development Economics IIB by Alex Gorashov, created by Alex Gorashov on 24/02/2015.

Alex Gorashov
Created by Alex Gorashov over 9 years ago

Development Economics IIB by Alex Gorashov

Question 1 of 25


The Solow model emphasizes the role of which of the following factors of production?

Select one of the following:

  • land

  • labour

  • capital

  • natural resources


Question 2 of 25


In an exogenous growth model, growth is caused by

Select one of the following:

  • capital accumulation

  • government policies

  • human capital accumulation

  • forces that are not explained by the model itself


Question 3 of 25


Suppose that two countries share identical levels of total factor productivity, identical labor force growth rates and identical savings rates. According to the Solow model

Select one of the following:

  • the country with the greater initial level of output per worker will grow more rapidly
    than the country with the smaller initial level of output per worker.

  • the country with the smaller initial level of output per worker will grow more rapidly
    than the country with the greater initial level of output per worker.

  • both countries will have the same growth rates of output per worker, even if they start
    out with different levels of output per worker

  • if both countries start out with different levels of income per worker, both countries
    may have different growth rates of output per worker, but we cannot be certain which
    country will have the higher growth rate of output per worker.


Question 4 of 25


In the endogenous growth model, an increase in a worker’s level of human capital

Select one of the following:

  • increases the amount of additional human capital she can produce, but does not
    increase the amount of output she can produce.

  • increases the amount of additional output she can produce, but does not increase the
    amount of human capital she can produce.

  • increases both the amount of additional human capital she can produce and the amount of output she can produce.

  • increases neither the amount of additional human capital she can produce nor the
    amount of output she can produce.


Question 5 of 25


According to Alesina and Dollar (2000) donor countries tend to allocate more aid to:

Select one of the following:

  • recipient countries with a low level of Human Development Index

  • recipient countries that used to be former colonies of the donor and that are not necessarily poor

  • recipient countries with a high level of population

  • none of the previous answers


Question 6 of 25


Burnside and Dollar (2000) state that foreign aid can be effective if allocated where good policies are in place. How do they empirically measure the good policies?

Select one of the following:

  • controlling for the level of democracy inside the recipient country

  • using a variable that accounts for the type of fiscal policy implemented by the recipient government

  • using a composite index that accounts for the fiscal, monetary and foreign policy

  • controlling for the level of corruption inside the recipient country


Question 7 of 25


According to the Harrod-Domar model, an increase in growth rates depends on:

Select one of the following:

  • Increase in capital-output ratio

  • Decrease in capital-output ratio

  • Increase in marginal propensity to consume

  • None of the above


Question 8 of 25


Without adjusting for "purchasing power parity", Real GDP tends to understate income in developing economies by

Select one of the following:

  • Ignoring government deficit spending

  • Omitting non-market transactions

  • Underestimating saving

  • All of the above


Question 9 of 25


The Solow Growth Model predicts that

Select one of the following:

  • The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer

  • Rich nations will grow faster than poor nations

  • Poor nations will grow faster than rich nations

  • The rich will get poorer and the poor will get richer


Question 10 of 25


If the central prediction of the Solow Growth Model is valid,

Select one of the following:

  • Economic freedom as measured by the Heritage Foundation Index will decrease

  • Population growth rates in rich countries will increase

  • Per capita Real GDP differences among nations will increase

  • Per capita Real GDP differences among nations will diminish


Question 11 of 25


The new growth theory attempts to explain

Select one of the following:

  • the rate of capital accumulation within a country

  • the rate of population growth within a country

  • why there are diminishing returns to capital

  • the factors that determine the size of the Solow residual


Question 12 of 25


Lack of investment in strong education and health care systems:

Select one of the following:

  • Causes a deterioration in human capital and an increase in physical capital

  • Causes a deterioration in human capital and a decline in labor productivity

  • Increases human capital and a cause a decline in labor productivity

  • Causes a decline in physical capital and a decline in labour productivity


Question 13 of 25


According to Burnside and Dollar (2000):

Select one of the following:

  • Foreign aid has a positive impact on growth if associated with sound policies but with diminishing returns

  • Foreign aid does not have a positive impact on growth but with increasing returns

  • Foreign aid has always a positive impact on growth but with diminishing returns

  • Foreign aid has a positive impact on growth if associated with sound policies but with increasing returns


Question 14 of 25


Per Capita GDP is a good proxy for the growth of a country because:

Select one of the following:

  • is negatively correlated with Life expectancy

  • is positively correlated with Infant Mortality

  • is negatively correlated with Adult Literacy

  • none of the above


Question 15 of 25


According to Galor and Zeira (1993):

Select one of the following:

  • Individuals who inherit less than f work as unskilled but their descendants in future generations will work as skilled workers

  • Individuals who inherit more than f invest in human capital and all their descendants will remain in the skilled labour sector in future generations

  • Individuals who inherit less than g may invest in human capital but after some generations their descendants become skilled workers

  • Individuals who inherit less than f work as unskilled and so are their descendants in future generations


Question 16 of 25


If a war destroys a large portion of a country's capital stock but the saving rate is unchanged, the Solow model predicts output will grow and that the new steady state will approach:

Select one of the following:

  • the same output level as before

  • a higher output level than before

  • the Golden Rule output level

  • a lower output level than before


Question 17 of 25


What conclusion can be reached from the following data on income shares?

Percentage of Income Received by
Lowest 40% Highest 20%

Bangladesh 17.3 45.3
Indonesia 14.4 49.4

Select one of the following:

  • Bangladesh has adopted a strategy of redistribution with growth

  • absolute poverty is more widespread in Bangladesh

  • the size distribution of income is more unequal in Indonesia

  • growth in Bangladesh is calculated using poverty weights rather than income weights


Question 18 of 25


In the Harrod-Domar equation g = s/v, v is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • the change in the country’s capital stock

  • the ratio of the country’s capital stock to its output

  • the value of the country’s capital stock

  • none of the above


Question 19 of 25


According to the Harrod-Domar model, an increase in growth rates depends on

Select one of the following:

  • Increase in marginal propensity to consume

  • Increase in capital-output ratio

  • Decrease in capital-output ratio

  • None of the above


Question 20 of 25


In the Solow growth model, if investment exceeds depreciation, the capital stock will
______ and output will ______ until the steady state is attained.

Select one of the following:

  • increase; decrease

  • decrease; increase

  • decrease; decrease

  • increase; increase


Question 21 of 25


Burnside and Dollar (2000) state that foreign aid can be effective if allocated where good policies are in place. How do they empirically measure the good policies?

Select one of the following:

  • using a composite index that accounts for the fiscal, monetary and foreign policy

  • controlling for the level of democracy inside the recipient country

  • using a variable that accounts for the type of fiscal policy implemented by the recipient government

  • controlling for the level of corruption inside the recipient country


Question 22 of 25


With perfect income equality the Gini coefficient in a country would be :

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • infinity

  • 0

  • 0.5


Question 23 of 25


The concept of Purchasing Power Parity:

Select one of the following:

  • is based upon the cost of hamburgers around the world

  • is based upon the nominal exchange rate

  • is based upon the market exchange rate

  • is based upon the cost of the same market basket of goods in different countries


Question 24 of 25


Compared to the developed countries, the LDCs have

Select one of the following:

  • higher birth rates and lower death rates

  • lower birth rates and lower death rates

  • higher birth rates and higher death rates

  • lower birth rates and higher death rates


Question 25 of 25


One study found that the Gini coefficient for Egypt .403 . was virtually the same as that for Australia .404. From this information one can conclude that Egypt and Australia:

Select one of the following:

  • had virtually the same number of households in absolute poverty

  • had virtually the same percentage of households in absolute poverty

  • had virtually the same Human Development Index level

  • none of the above
