Kynder Lewis
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

10th grade World History Quiz on The Causes of the French Revolution and Ch 18.1 Study Quiz, created by Kynder Lewis on 18/03/2020.

Kynder Lewis
Created by Kynder Lewis over 4 years ago

The Causes of the French Revolution and Ch 18.1 Study Quiz

Question 1 of 10


Who is Jacques Necker? And what did he do?

Select one of the following:

  • He was King Louis XIV, right-hand man. He helped him spend all of the money on things for the Palace of Versailles.

  • He was one of King Louis XIV's successors. He was one of the successors who continued to spend the money he didn't have on luxuries for the Palace of Versailles

  • He was the financial advisor. He proposed the idea of taxing the 1st and 2nd estates.


Question 2 of 10


What were the reasons that made the bad harvests occur during 1788 in France?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Bad weather including hailstorms, a drought, and a icy winter in 1788.

  • Due to food shortages and higher prices, people became poor and didn't have enough money for the tools or materials to harvest.

  • People wasting their money on other things instead of harvesting.


Question 3 of 10


What were the three estate names?

Select one or more of the following:

  • 1st estate: Bourgeoisie
    2nd estate: Peasants
    3rd estate: Artisans and San Cullotes

  • 1st estate: Clergy
    2nd estate: Nobility
    3rd estate: Commoners


Question 4 of 10


Who does Louis XVI call into a meeting?

Select one of the following:

  • The National Assembly

  • The Estates-General

  • The Legislature Assembly

  • The 3rd Estates


Question 5 of 10


Which estate got outvoted by the others?
Hint: They were 97% of the population.

Select one of the following:

  • 1st Estate

  • 2nd Estate

  • 3rd Estate


Question 6 of 10


What was the major issue that was brought up when King Louis XVI called the Estates-General meeting?

Select one of the following:

  • They hadn't met in 175 years so where would they begin.

  • The voting system was unfair and needed to be reformed.

  • The population of the 3rd estate was too high.


Question 7 of 10


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

The replaced the Estates-General


Question 8 of 10


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

How was voting reformed?
1 = 1


Question 9 of 10


What happened on the tennis court?

Select one of the following:

  • The national assembly played a lengthy game of tennis.

  • The national assembly took vowed to create a constitution.

  • The national assembly was formed.


Question 10 of 10


On what day did the Parisians storm the Bastille?
Hint: It's also known as France Independence Day.

Select one of the following:

  • February 14th, 1789

  • June 18th, 1789

  • July 14th, 1789

  • August 26th, 1789
