Concentration gradients:
Work done at the membrane
Equations for concentration gradient at the membrane for positive ions
Equation for concentration gradient at the membrane for negative ions
If the concentration gradient is known, the membrane voltage due to an ion can be found using the Nernst equation
Resting potential
Equilibrium potential for an ion
Nernst eq to stop K+ from leaving in a physiological concentration
Nerst eq in a physiological conc to stop Na from leaving
Membrane potential Vm
Driving force on an ion
Permeability and conductance
Goldman Hodgkin Katz equation
Action potential:
properties of the action potential
Effect of channels on APs
Vm to Ena- positive feedback
Charge separation
Use of Faraday's constant to express the fraction of a mole required
Propogation of action potential
Path of injected current- local circuit
Structure of myelinated nerves