Raegan Ferro
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Raegan Ferro
Created by Raegan Ferro over 4 years ago

Understanding Psychology: Chapter 10

Question 1 of 34


An angry parent imagines hitting a child for misbehaving, but decide instead to discuss the misbehavior with the child and to point out why the behavior was wrong. After hearing the child's explanation for the behavior, the parent feels guilty for having been so angry. The parent's anger and fantasy are the result of the _____; the decision to discuss the problem is the result of the _____; and the guilt derives from the _____ .

Select one of the following:

  • ego; superego; id

  • id; ego; superego

  • ego; id; superego

  • id; superego; ego


Question 2 of 34


Lorenzo is a young adult. According to Erikson, the major challenge he faces is _____, which will be followed in middle adulthood by the crisis of _____ .

Select one of the following:

  • intimacy vs isolation;l generativity vs stagnation

  • intimacy vs isolation; integrity vs despair

  • identity vs role confusion; integrity vs guilt

  • identity vs role confusion; initiative vs guilt


Question 3 of 34


Compensation and inferiority complex are central concepts to the theory of personality proposed by:

Select one of the following:

  • Freud

  • Adler

  • Jung

  • Erikson


Question 4 of 34


It has been argued that Karen Horney's most significant contribution to contemporary psychology was her view that:

Select one of the following:

  • social and cultural forces are more important than biology in shaping human development

  • anxiety is not a powerful force in shaping human behavior

  • Freud had underestimated the importance of the sex

  • parents nurturance and love for their children sprung entirely from the biological drive to protect their offspring


Question 5 of 34


According to Jung, a typical mental image or mythical representation is referred to as a(n):

Select one of the following:

  • collective unconscious

  • personal unconscious

  • archetype

  • introvert


Question 6 of 34


Bria was brought up with unconditional positive regard. According to Rogers, she is likely to:

Select one of the following:

  • feel she is valued regardless of her attitudes and behavior

  • be vain and narcissistic

  • have self-concepts that do not correspond very closely to her inborn capacities

  • lack genuine self-confidence


Question 7 of 34


Your friend has always known that she wants to be a doctor. When you ask her how she knows that, she says, "That's just who I am. It's what I want to do with my life." Rogers calls the push toward fulfilling this sense of who she is:

Select one of the following:

  • being fully functioning

  • expressing a high need for achievement

  • the self-actualizing tendency

  • engaging in a compensatory process


Question 8 of 34


Rogers' believed the goal of life was to fulfill our genetic blueprint. He called our biological push to accomplish this goal:

Select one of the following:

  • the self-assuring tendency

  • the self-actualizing tendency

  • the conditional positive regard

  • the actualizing tendency


Question 9 of 34


Pietro is competent, self-disciplined, responsible and well organized. In terms of the Big Five model of personality, he is high in:

Select one of the following:

  • emotional stability

  • agreeableness

  • conscientiousness

  • intellect


Question 10 of 34


Sofia is warm, assertive, energetic and enthusiastic. According to the Big Five model of personality, she is high in:

Select one of the following:

  • agreeableness

  • extraversion

  • emotional stability

  • openness to experience


Question 11 of 34


Which of the following statements has been confirmed by research?

Select one of the following:

  • Genetic factors play a significant role in shaping abnormal and dysfunctional personality traits.

  • Genetic factors play very little role in shaping personality

  • Genetic factors influence some traits, but play no role in predisposition toward substance abuse, or eating disorders

  • Researchers have identified specific genes that determine specific personality traits


Question 12 of 34


Based on what you have read here, The Big Five personality trait structure:

Select one of the following:

  • has no application whatsoever beyond the U.S.A. where it was originally studied

  • may only apply to cultures with similar language structures

  • may only apply in English speaking cultures

  • may be applied to other cultural groups, perhaps even other species besides humans


Question 13 of 34


Rey Rmos grew up in the South Bronx, an urban ghetto where young males are more likely to go to jail than they are to graduate from high school. He said, "My father always said you can't change anything; destiny has everything written for you. But, I rebelled against that, and I told him I was going to make my own destiny." According to cognitive-social learning theories of personality, which of the following is most descriptive of Rey?

Select one of the following:

  • He has a low sense of self-efficacy

  • He has an internal locus of control

  • He is compensating for feelings of inferiority

  • He has an external locus of control


Question 14 of 34


You introduce a friend to a new video game. On her first try, she doesn't do well but she says, "This is fun. I have to climb that ladder more quickly to escape the bombs. Let me try again!" According to Bandura, her optimism reflects:

Select one of the following:

  • external locus control

  • environmental feedback

  • positive internal expectancies

  • a low sense of self-efficacy


Question 15 of 34


Cognitive-social learning theories of personality:

Select one of the following:

  • have led to the development of useful therapies that help people recognize and change a negative sense of self-efficacy or explanatory style

  • lack potential because they focus too much on conscious behavior and experience

  • are difficult to define and thus cannot be studied scientifically

  • are not able to provide adequate explanation for the inconsistencies in human behavior


Question 16 of 34


You are consulting a psychologist who asks you to take a personality test. She shows you pictures of people and asks you to write a complete story about each picture. The test is most likely the:

Select one of the following:

  • NEO-PI-R

  • Rorschach Test

  • Thematic Apperception Test

  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory


Question 17 of 34


"They are often not administered in a standard fashion, they are seldom scored objectively, but when interpreted by a skilled examiner, they can provide insight into a person." To what does this quotation most likely refer?

Select one of the following:

  • projective personality tests

  • the NEO-PI-T and the MMPI-2

  • structured interviews

  • Objective personality tests


Question 18 of 34


If a psychologist suspects a person to be "malingering" or faking a psychiatric disorder she may decide to employ which personality test to evaluate their personality?

Select one of the following:

  • Thematic Apperception Test

  • NEO-PI-R

  • Rorschach

  • MMPI-2


Question 19 of 34


If you are conducting research on The Big Five, which personality test are you most likely to employ?

Select one of the following:

  • MMPI-2

  • NEO-PI-R

  • 16PF

  • TAT


Question 20 of 34


Personality is the pattern of:

Select one of the following:

  • methods we use to control emotions, needs and desires

  • characteristics that we are born with and develop in the first 2 years of life

  • characteristic thoughts, feelings and behaviors that persist over time and situations and distinguish one person from another

  • complex ways we interact with other people and the thoughts we have about them


Question 21 of 34


According to Freud, the attempt to obtain immediate gratification for urges and desires is known as the:

Select one of the following:

  • reality principle

  • pleasure principle

  • secondary process

  • ego ideal


Question 22 of 34


Your uncle Paolo is a legend in the family - hoarding everything he can lay his hands on and never (absolutely never) sharing any of his bounty with anyone. After reading the personality chapter, you may suspect that according to Freud, he is fixated at the:

Select one of the following:

  • phallic stage of development

  • oral stage of development

  • genital stage of development

  • anal stage of development


Question 23 of 34


According to Freud, a successful outcome of the Oedipus Complex is:

Select one of the following:

  • identification with the same-sex parent

  • sexual promiscuity

  • identification with the opposite-sex parent

  • optimism and dependency in later life


Question 24 of 34


In Jung's theory, people who regulate their actions through thinking and feeling are called _____ whereas people who regulate their actions through intuition and sensation are called _____ .

Select one of the following:

  • introverted; extroverted

  • introverted; irrational

  • rational; irrational

  • irrational; introverted


Question 25 of 34


Carl Jung and Alfred Adler differ from Freud in de-emphasizing:

Select one of the following:

  • unconscious motivations

  • sexuality

  • conscious motivations

  • social influences


Question 26 of 34


According to Jung, the collective unconscious but not the personal unconsciousness contains:

Select one of the following:

  • repressed thoughts and feelings

  • sexual instincts

  • archetypes

  • compensation


Question 27 of 34


Horney's different types of personality are similar in that:

Select one of the following:

  • they all represent ways of coping with basic anxiety

  • they all emphasize biological forces

  • they all emphasize sexual drives

  • they all represent ways of coping with feelings of inferiority


Question 28 of 34


One similarity between the personality theories of Karen Horney and Erik Erikson is their emphasis on:

Select one of the following:

  • biological factors in personality development

  • social factors in personality development

  • sexual instincts

  • basic anxiety


Question 29 of 34


According to Rogers, the goal of life is to:

Select one of the following:

  • fulfill the capacities and potentialities with which we are born

  • successfully negotiate 8 developmental stages

  • achieve the twin rewards of intimacy and industry

  • bring the id, the ego and the superego into a harmonious whole


Question 30 of 34


Which of the following dimensions of personality is not part of the "Big 5" personality traits?

Select one of the following:

  • concientiousness

  • emotional stability

  • extroversion

  • androgyny


Question 31 of 34


According to Rotter, believing that you can control your own fate is characteristic of a(n):

Select one of the following:

  • fully functioning person

  • external locus of control

  • internal locus of control

  • cardinal trait


Question 32 of 34


Structured interviews are better than other interviews in what way?

Select one of the following:

  • Structured interviews allow less influence by the interviewer on the answers of the interviewee

  • Structured interviews are most used in conjunction with objective tests of personality

  • Structured interviews do not need experienced interviewers

  • Structured interviews tend to take less time


Question 33 of 34


You are conducting research and want to assess the Big 5 personality traits of each of your participants. Which test are you most likely to use?

Select one of the following:

  • MMPI-2

  • NEO-PI-R

  • TAT

  • Structured interview


Question 34 of 34


A psychologist is interested in diagnosing a person she believes has a mental disorder. The psychologist also suspects the person she intends to diagnose may attempt to fake having a mental disorder. Which personality test is she most likely to use?

Select one of the following:

  • 16PF

  • TAT

  • NEO-PI-R

  • MMPI-2
