For an American
male, the lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer is ----- %, but the risk of dying of prostate cancer is only --------- %.
What is the role of 5 alpha-reductase in prostate cancer?
----------- testosterone and ---------- AR (androgen receptors) activation may account for the increased risk of prostate cancer
RFs for PC
LH complexes act on ----- to stimulate production of testosterone and small estrogen.
FSH acts on the ------- within the testes to promote the maturation of LH receptors and to produce an androgen-binding protein.
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) an enzyme that is involved in ---------
PSA + a1-antichymotrypsin (endogenous
protease inhibitor) =
American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommend screening (PSA and DRE) every ----- years be considered in all men between age ------ years.
African-Americans and men with a strong family histories of prostate cancer shd consider screening starting at age -------?
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
(Localized Disease Stage I - II)
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
(Localized invasive / Regional Disease)
Stage III
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
(Advanced Disease)
Stage IV
patients with a PSA > 20ng/mL, Gleason score > 8, or large primary tumors (T3-4)
should receive a bone scan (CT or MRI) to assess for
Gleason Score 6
Gleason Score 7
Gleason Score 8 - 10
How do you calculate life expectancy?
Trt for patients with a life expectancy of less than 5 years and without clinical
symptoms -------
Trt for Localized (stage I-II) and locally invasive (stage III) prostate cancer
Advanced prostate cancer (stage IV)
Brachytherapy involves -------?
How does Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) work?
Two types of drugs used for medical castration are ------
The therapeutic goal of
medical castration is to achieve a serum testosterone ------?
RFs of ADT are -----
-------------- may be used in patients with androgen-independent or castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).
Immunotherapies such as the ---------, is an option for asymptomatic advanced CRPC treatment.