I need a smart smartly( smart, smartly ) dress for my interview.
He dresses scruffily scruffy( scruffily, scruffy ) in jeans and an outdoor jacket.
He was formally formal( formally, formal ) dressed in a very expensive grey suit.
I like wearing clothes that are practical rather than fashionable. fashionably.( fashionable., fashionably. )
Paul is always very smartly smart( smartly, smart ) dressed.
Tom is the most scruffily scruffy( scruffily, scruffy ) dressed man I've ever met.
He dressed casually casual( casually, casual ) for the interview in civilian clothes.
My clothes for work are quite formal formally( formal, formally ).
He always wears a scruffy scruffily( scruffy, scruffily ) denim jacket.
They stay at good hotels, drive smart cars, and dress fashionably fashionable( fashionably, fashionable ).
Everyone else was in jeans and casual casually( casual, casually ) gear and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb.