Created by Evian Chai
almost 5 years ago
What is the difference between SNS and PNS effects on Vascular tone?
What is the difference between adrenaline and noradrenaline?
What occurs when noradernaline binds to B1/A1 receptors?
What occurs when adrenaline binds to B1/A1/B2 receptors?
What do the following hormones cause?
1. Angiotensin II
2. Vasopressin (ADH)
3. Atrial Natriuretic
What signal does the PNS send and what does it do?
What signal does the SNS send and what does it do?
What does vascular tone determine?
How does myogenic autoregulation contribute to vascular tone?
How do Prostanoids (prostaglandins and thromboxanes) affect vascular tone?
How does Bradykinin affect vascular tone?
How does histamine affect vascular tone?
How does nitric acid affect vascular tone?
What is endothelial nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells stimulated by?
What are the 5 determinants of BP?
Where are the mechanoreceptors for the baroreceptor reflex located?
What does increased BP lead to?
What are the effects of increased baroreceptor firing?
What nerves do signals from the mechanoreceptors travel to the brain with?
How does blood volume regulate blood pressure in the Short vs. long term?
What determines blood volume?
How does increased osmolarity impact blood volume?
What does metabolic hyperaemia occur in response to? What happens? What is the main factor contributing to this?
What does reactive hyperaemia occur in response to? What happens?
How is thermoregulation achieved by the arteriovenous anatomoses?
What does the skeletal muscle pump do?
Since diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure point in the cardiac cycle, how is BP maintained?
What does renin do?
What does angiotensin II do?
What does a raise in BV lead to?
What does pressure natriuresis occur in response to? What happens?
What is syncope? What is it caused by?
What are 3 functional adaptations of the pulmonary circulation?