State two reasons why it is important to conserve water and electricity in domestic dwellings
It is less harmful to the environment
The release of CO2 into the atmosphere during the production of electricity
It makes you feel better
It's government policy
List three methods of conserving water
flow reducing valves
spray taps
Having fewer baths
Low volume WC flush
State the importance of reducing carbon emissions from domestic dwellings
It helps lower costs
To prevent the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere.
To avoid damaging the ozone layer
It's ethical
Which one of the following is a good working practice which would conserve energy and protect the environment?
Reduce transportation costs.
Buy materials from the cheapest country.
Transport materials by air.
Use lighter materials.
Which one of the following shows energy conservation?
a) Sourcing materials locally and using renewable sources.
b) Using renewable sources and lighter materials.
c) Building gas fired power stations and reducing material costs.
d) Transporting materials by road and reducing transportation costs.
State whether the following statement is true or false. “Cutting and setting out pipe and cable/trunking runs accurately, is a good method of reducing material wastage.”
Heat pumps work on the principal that heat is provided
a) by the sun
b) from wood
c) from the ground or air
d) from wind or waves
Which one of the following provides heat from wood pellets?
a) Biomass.
b) Air source.
c) Solar Photovoltaic.
d) Ground source.
State the name of two organisations which give advice and guidance on energy saving and conservation techniques
Energy saving trust
Carbon trust
State one piece of legislation regarding waste disposal.
The site waste management plans regulations