Created by Evian Chai
over 4 years ago
Where does the Link Reaction occur?
What occurs in the link reaction?
What is added?
What enzyme is needed?
What is reduced?
Where does the TCA Cycle occur?
What is the TCA cycle?
What does the TCA cycle produce?
What is the order of events in the TCA cycle?
What does citrate synthase do?
What does isocitrate dehydrogenase do?
What is reduced/produced?
What does alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase do?
What is reduced/produced?
When is CoASH removed in the TCA cycle?
What does succinate dehydrogenase do?What is reduced/produced?
What does malate dehydrogenase do?What is reduced/produced?
What are the three irreversible steps of the TCA pathway where allosteric regulation occurs?
What are the intermediates produced during the TCA cycle used for?
What is oxaloacetate produced by the TCA cycle used for?
What is oxidative phosphorylation?
What does oxidative phosphorylation yield?
Where does oxidative phosphorylation happen?
Which complex in the e- transport chain can FADH2 reduce?
Flavin cofactors and CoQ are...
Iron sulphur proteins and Cytochrome proteins are...
In the E- transport chain, electrons flow in what direction?
What are the steps of the e- transport chain?
What is the energy from the e- transport chain used for?
What are the two parts of the protonmotive force?
What does the protonmotive force power?
What occurs when levels of ADP rise/ATP falls?
What are inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation?
What do uncouplers do?
What are examples of uncouplers?
Summary of ATP synthesis