Created by zoeillingworth12
about 10 years ago
Define the term "Achieved Status"
Explain what is meant by "Agenda Setting"
What is meant by the term "Ascribed Status"?
Define the term "Asymmetrical Family"
What are beanpole families?
Explain what is meant by "birth rate"
What is care in the community?
What is a cereal packet family?
What is the Child Support Agency (CSA)?
Explain what is meant by "child-centredness"
Define the term "childhood"
What is a civil partnership?
What is cohabitation?
Define the term "commune"
Explain what is meant by the term "confluent love"
What are conjugal roles?
What is co-parenting?
Explain what is meant by the "cottage industry"
Define "culture"
What is the dark side of the family?
What is meant by "death of the family"?
Define what is meant by "death rate"
What is meant by "dependent children"?
What does the term "dual income no kids yet" refer to?
Define the term "divorce"
What is meant by the "divorce rate"?
What is the domestic division of labour?
Define the term "domestic labour"
What is domestic violence?
Define the term "dual burden"
What is a dual career family?
Define the term "emotional work"
What is an empty nest family?
Define an "empty shell marriage"
What is the "expressive role"?
What is an extended family?
Explain what is meant by "family functions"?
What is meant by "family policy"?
Define the term "family structure"
What is Feminism?
Explain what is meant by the term "fertility rate"
Define "gender"
What is a household?
What is meant by "housework"?
What meant by "ideology of the family"?
What is the ideology of romance?
What is meant by illegitimacy?
Define "industrialisation"
What is meant by "infant mortality rate"?
What are informal carers?
What is the isolated nuclear family?
What is the instrumental role?
What are joint conjugal roles?
What are "kin"?
What are kinship networks?
Define "life expectancy"
What are lone parent families?
What is marital breakdown?
Define "marriage"
What is maternity leave?
Define the term "Matriarchy"
What is a Matrifocal family?
Define "matrilineal"
What is the modified extended family?
Explain what is meant by "monogamy"?
What is meant by "mortality rate"?
What is a multicultural family?
Explain what is meant by a "neo-conventional family"
Define the term "new man"
What are norms?
Define the term "nuclear family"
Explain what is meant by "paternity leave"
Define "Patriarchal Ideology"
What is patriarchy?
Define "patrilineal"
What is polygamy?
Define "postmodernity"
What is primary socialisation?
What is a privatised family?
What is a production unit?
Explain what is meant by a "reconstituted family"
What is a remarriage?
What are the rites of passage?
Define "segregated conjugal roles"
What is serial monogamy?
What is the sexual division of labour?
Explain what is meant by the "social construction of age"
What is the symmetrical family?
Define "structural differentiation"
What is teenage marriage?
Define "triple shift"
What is the underclass?
What is a unit of consumption?
Define "urbanisation"
Explain what is meant by the term "values"