------------- consists of flattened, cornified cells that are continuously renewed, resulting in shedding of the outermost layer of skin cells and associated skin bacteria.
------------ consists of connective tissue and contains blood vessels, lymphatics, sensory nerve endings, sweat and sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. Subcutaneous fat consists of a loose connective tissue of fat cells.
Risk Factors for Skin and Soft Tissue Infection include
Non pharmacotherapy for SSTI
------------ is infection of the bone that results from spread through the bloodstream; this type is described classically as a disease of children because most cases occur in patients < 20 years of age; in adults, it presents as vertebral osteomyelitis.
---------- is infection of the bone from an adjacent soft tissue infection or from direct inoculation (surgery, trauma, puncture wound); most cases occur in patients > 50 years of age
----------- occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus or peripheral vascular disease; these patients are usually > 50 years of age.
Infectious arthritis is acquired by----------?
State the 2 types of infectious arthritis and their etiologies.
List RFs of OM
Describe the acute stage of osteomyelitis.
Describe the chronic stage of osteomyelitis.
common sites of infection of osteomyelitis in infants (<~18 months)
common sites of infection of osteomyelitis in infants (>~18 months)
common sites of infection of osteomyelitis in adults
hematogenous (OM)
contiguous (OM) and secondary to vascular insufficiency
Infectious Arthritis (IA)
Infectious Arthritis (IA) RFs
OM signs and symptoms
the laboratory reference range of ESR is ---------?
4 diagnosis of lower extremity OM in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) include -------
IA signs and symptoms
Gonococcal arthritis facts to know includes -----------?
Non-Gonococcal arthritis facts to know includes -----------?