What is "Black Rock"?
An investor in banks
An international bank
A large oil company
Black Rock has been hired by the European Union to...
Invest money in the European Union banks
block progress on environmental issues
advise the EU on adopting environmental rules for banks
ESG factors are
Economical, Social and General factors
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors
Eastern Society Group factors
The EU had to choose Black Rock because there was no other candidate
This article mentions concerns and worries about
a possible conflict of interest
a potential disagreement between shareholders
future hazardous investments
like letting the fox guard the henhouse (l.20) means that...
Black Rock is the most dangerous actor possible in an environmental counselling group
Black Rock will be a good guard for Europe
Black Rock was the best possible candidate to make recommendations on ESG factors
Black Rock is also a big investor in the industry of arms
Who says that “We are baffled* as to why the European commission didn’t think there would be a massive conflict of interest with this choice.”
A European commission spokesman
a climate and energy campaigner
Black Rock will advise the European commission for free
If European banking regulators decide to have less strict regulations
It could benefit unethical companies
it could be the effect of Black Rock conflict of interest
It could have a good effect on the environment
Black Rock is in fact not worse than any other investment company in terms of environmental issues
Black Rock has recently made a few efforts to appear greener
the Guardian has interviewed someone from the European Commission who admitted there was a conflict of interest
This article:
denounces a conflict of interest in the choice of Black Rock as an advisor for the European banking rules
defends the eligibility of Black Rock as a contributor to the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the European banking supervision.
shows that the European commission will now invest only in sustainable companies
is concerned about the possible influence by a ruthless investment company on the future banking decisions of the EU