Companions of Prophetﷺ were _______________ and ____________________.
Arabs | Rich
Ma'zooreen | Majtahideen
Sin-free | Noble
Rich | Leaders
How are sins forgiven?
By doing Tawbah
By giving a Sacrifice for Sake of Allah
By getting a shawl for the grave of a pious person
By patiently going through some pain in life
If Allah decides for someone a higher place but that person isn't capable of reaching that level with his good deeds then ____________________.
He is doomed
He is given opportunities to do good deeds
He is put in a test/trial
He is given the Jannah
Companions of Rasul Allahﷺ were ______________________.
Best of Creation after Prophets
Really good people
Common people
The ones who follow Sunnah are called Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah.