over 4 years ago
It is also called the lamina.
It is the stalk-like structure which connects the leaf blade to the stem.˙
Small flap-like structures that grow at the base of the petioles.
The lamina or the leaf blade is undivided in this type of leaf
The leaf blade is divided from the midrib into two or more parts in this type of leaf
It is responsible for regulating water in and out of the cell
It is the outermost layer of a leaf
A waxy substance secreted by the outermost layer of a.
Cell organelles that contain chlorophyll
Layer in which chloroplasts are found
The vascular tissues are composed of
Small pores that are found in the lower epidermal layer of the leaf blade.
The prepared food is transported to the other parts of the plant through this tissue
The point of attachment of the leaf to the node on the stem is called
Structure of the leaf that helps in gaseous exchange
The flat part of the leaf exposed to sunlight is known as
Arrangement of veins on the lamina of the leaf is called
Veins present with in the leaves are arranged˙ parallel˙to each other in
Veins show network or web-like arrangement all over the leaf blade
The evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant is called