_________ and __________ complete our Aqeedah.
Good Akhlaq
Beautiful Deeds
Chanting Names of Allahﷻ
Visiting Data Darbar
Labelling Some Groups as Hypocrites and Disbelievers
When your Hakim (Leaders) is corrupt, what should you do?
Give their Rights and Ask for your Rights from Allahﷻ
Don't give their rights then
Do Rallies against them
Do Propaganda against them
Give their Rights and Ask for your Rights from them
Best Akhlaq requires us to not only live for us but to __________.
care about others too
make the most of it
go beyond every obstacle to achieve happiness
avoid all bad situations
Whoever is truthful to his promise of serving Allah's Deen then ___________.
Allahﷻ helps him
He goes through really bad times
People help him
He gets humiliated
Saved Sect is the one who is on the path of Rasul Allahﷻ and His Sahabah.