Created by Chen van der Sluijs
over 4 years ago
maag qi leegte
maag leegte met koude
maag yin leegte
wat is altijd de voorloper van maag yin leegte? (behalve wanneer er sprake is van een gebruik van antibiotica)
maag qi stagnatie
maar vuur
A woman of 60 lost her sense of smell and taste 2 years previously. For the past 10 years, she had also suffered from epigastric pain, a sensation of 'knot' in the stomach and nausea. She was often very thirsty and drank large amounts of water every day. Occasionally she experienced bleeding of the gums.
She also complained of a lack of appetite and loose stools. Her pulse was Full and Wiry especiallyon the right Middle position, and her tongue was red in the centre and had a dry yellow coating.
koude invasie in de maag
rebelerende maag qi
maag damp hitte
voedsel retentie in de maag
maag bloed stase