Edward Mather
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Great Barrier Reef Entry lesson Plenary Quiz

Edward Mather
Created by Edward Mather about 4 years ago

Great Barrier Reef Entry lesson Plenary Quiz

Question 1 of 7


Which list contains adverbs only?

Select one of the following:

  • slowly short curious wide

  • fast drunkenly sadly well

  • again mean sober reckless

  • poor soaked follow hoarse


Question 2 of 7


Which list contains no adverbs ?

Select one of the following:

  • too manikin pebbled

  • slow late dearly

  • hard rushing slippery

  • heron jasmine futile


Question 3 of 7


Which of the following is a proper sentence?

Select one of the following:

  • Climbing the hill.

  • But it was not the right one to.

  • Rushing headlong, he tripped and toppled over.

  • I was and he was and she was and they was, too


Question 4 of 7


Which of the following is not a proper sentence?

Select one of the following:

  • Gallagher died.

  • The running river and the blue sky.

  • Jacksonville is a town in Florida, USA.

  • Marmalade makes great sandwiches.


Question 5 of 7


What is a key phrase?

Select one of the following:

  • Something relating to locks.

  • Something very important.

  • The first sentence in a paragraph.

  • It is what we call a subheading which can be a bullet point or it can be underlined or in bold or italics.


Question 6 of 7


Spot which sentence has an adverb...

Select one of the following:

  • The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from space.

  • The plight of the Reef has been well publicised in the last few years.

  • The coral is bleached by rising sea temperatures.

  • Man's impact on the environment is threatening many species.


Question 7 of 7


Spot which sentence has an adverb...

Select one of the following:

  • Worryingly, much is known about global warning and yet little is done.

  • People took notice of Covid 19 far more than the plight of animals in danger.

  • The sun oil scandal is typical of ignorant humans.

  • Oil is seen as important and it takes priority over other concerns.
