What is the meaning of الم ?
Allahﷻ - Jibrael - Rasul Allahﷺ
We don't know the meaning as Allahﷻ didn't tell us
They are miraculous letters and help ward off evil eye
They should be hanged in frames in Muslim Houses
Why do we study and understand Qur'an?
To become famous in Muslim Community
To get guidance as how to please Allahﷻ and become successful in Akhirah
To learn Arabic Language
To tell people that we know what's in Qur'an
If your___________ not good then your ____________ not good.
Imaan is | Deeds are
Intention is | Imaan is
Heart is | Brain is
Health is | Imaan is
Inteqaam ka koi Inteqaam nahi hota.
وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ How do we get Success?
Through Guidance
Through Wealth
Through Power
Through Fame