Created by James Jolliffe
over 9 years ago
What were the two types of Roman soldiers?
Who were the Medici?
What is a gladius?
What is a Pilum?
How many years did Roman soldiers sign up for?
What sort of tests did Romans have to pass to become a soldier?
Roman tactics...
What weapons did Celts use?
Why did Celts paint their bodies?
Were the Celts a permanent army?
Celtic tactics...
Where did Boudicca attack before Watling Street (the 3 places).
The Battle of Watling Street - PART 1:
At the beginning of the battle, where were the two armies positioned?
The Battle of Watling Street - PART 2:
What were the two armies first move?
The Battle of Watling Street - PART 3:
What did the Romans do next?
The Battle of Watling Street - PART 4:
What made the fighting difficult for the Celts then?
The Battle of Watling Street - PART 5:
How did the Romans finish off the Celts?
Fill in the missing gaps:
The _______ Romans defeated the ________+ Britons. (_______ Britons were reportedly killed).
Fill in the missing gaps:
Harold had _____ professional soldiers called ____________.
He also had another _____ who fought for him, they weren't permanent, and known as the _____.
Fill in the missing gaps:
William had _______ knights, ______ infantry and ______ archers.
What type of army was William's?
How did Saxons and Normans travel?
How were:
Saxon Housecarls armed?
The Fyrd armed?
How were:
Norman Knights armed?
Norman Archers armed?
Before the Battle of Hastings - PART 1:
How was Harold unlucky before Hastings?
Before the Battle of Hastings - PART 2:
What two mistakes did Harold make after he defeated Harald?
The Battle of Hastings - PART 1:
Where did Harold position himself at the beginning of the battle of Hastings?
What was the Saxons sole tactic?
The Battle of Hastings - PART 2:
Who was at the centre of Harold's shield wall, and who were on the flanks?
The Battle of Hastings - PART 3:
What did the Normans do at first to try and weaken the Saxon's shield wall?
What was this followed by?
The Battle of Hastings - PART 4:
What did the Normans then do, which led to the Saxon's defeat?
What was medical care for soldiers like in the Battle of Hastings?
Fill in the missing gaps:
In the Early Middle Ages, Knights had to fight for __ days each year, as part of the _______ _______.
Why did many men go to fight in the Crusades?
In the Crusades, did soldiers have to supply their own weaponry?
What were Mangonels?
What was Greek Fire?
The Siege of Acre - PART 1:
How did the Siege of Acre follow a TYPICAL SIEGE PATTERN?
The Siege of Acre - PART 2:
What was used to try and collapse the walls?
The Siege of Acre - PART 3:
What would then be used to attack the town?
The Siege of Acre - PART 4:
How was Saladin's defense tactics typical as well?
The Siege of Acre - PART 5:
What was fired at the attacking siege towers?
The Siege of Acre - PART 6:
What tactic was used when the town of Acre knew it was going to be defeated?
The Siege of Acre - EXTRA:
What was Richard I's involvement in the Siege of Acre?
The Siege of Acre - EXTRA:
What were the names of the 2 huge siege engines that began to fracture the wall?
The Siege of Acre - EXTRA:
How long was the Siege of Acre, and how many of the Besieger's lives were lost?
The Siege of Acre - EXTRA:
What were dead bodies used for in the Siege?