Created by g3mmasmith
almost 10 years ago
Evaluation Question 6 -
What have you learnt about technologies from conducting this product?
Some of the technologies we used ranged from an edit suite such as premier pro and also iMovie. By using these high end software's, helped us enable a higher standard opening title sequence. We was also able to edit sound and text over the top of our opening title sequence in these software's.
As well as using a camera to film we also needed an tripod to make sure that our shots were still which made our opening title sequence more professional. In our final product we didn't use lighting for most of our opening title sequence, however at one point our main character Harlow is inside and artificial lighting could have been used however we felt it was looked much better with natural lighting.
As part of planning for our opening title sequence we put our group log line onto 'logline.it', which is a website where people can give you feedback on your log line which you have created. I found this website very helpful because we could take into account other peoples thoughts on our log line and took into account the feedback, as a result of the feedback we made a slight alteration to our log line so that it made more sense.
I felt that one of the most useful ICT we used was youtube. We was able to look at other peoples opening title sequence and read any comments given on the video as well as analysing the video ourselves and seeing where they went wrong so that we didn't make the same mistakes in our own opening title sequence.