Created by Julie Smith
over 4 years ago
What is 20cm on the scale
1cm : 25km
What is 20cm on the scale
1cm : 100km?
If the scale is 2cm : 300m
What is the length for 8cm?
If a scale is 1m : 50km
what is the distance on a map between two cities 10,500 km
If a key is 1cm : 2m
how long is a playground that is
4.5 cm x 3.5cm on a plan?
What is the length and width of a room 6.25cm and 4.5cm when the scale is
0.5cm : 1m?
Calculate the distance between 2 cities that are 150cm apart on a map when the scale is 10cm : 10000cm
What is the answer in km?
If the distance on a map is 9km and the scale is 1cm : 35 km
what is the actual distance?