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Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Causes and Consequences

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Created by 33745 almost 10 years ago
Food Insecurity in Northern MaliConflictDroughtInflationResistance against foodAidMost of Country isdesertNot being able to growcropsNot being able to SubsistenceFarmNot being able to sell extraproduceVery little rainfallOnly 127mm of rain peryearNo water for crops andproduceUnable to grow foodWill only receive rain during between June andAugustProof of how little rainfall Northern Mali receivesLevel of water for cattle and other animals islowNo grass or other shrubs cangrowAnimals could die or become sick from nowaterNo feed for cattle and otheranimalsConstantly relying on basicfoodsHigh Salinity levels of adesertLand will become more prone toerosionSoil becomesinfertileFood crisis in2008Fuel crisis in2008The price for many grainsdoubledUnable to purchasegrains for staple foodsUnable to purchase fuel to run a car because its tooexpensiveNot able to drive to different markets to sellproduceNomoneyDepending on aidorganisationsFrequently occurring andunpredictable extremeclimate conditionsNot earning money to purchase specialfoodNoGrassgrowBlocking delivery ofaidMust rely on SubstinenceFarmingFarmers experience manyproblemsCan't drive along many roads topick up supplies because of soldiersFood distributionstopsMay be forced to become soldiers so no one is working thefieldsNo crops can beplanted75% of Malians rely on SubstinenceFamrningEconomy cannotprogressFarmer's fields may be used as abattle ground or to build basesNo room to growcropsLack of supply due tolack of securityFarmers cannot grow foodsto provide people withSoldiers may confiscate food at anytimeLeaving villages withoutadequate supplyFields and land maybe minedMakes unusable land toproduce cropsIncome of peopledecreasingPeople can't afford even themost basic foodsCrops can be easilydestroyedPricesincreasingExamples of the Inflationin Northern MaliFuelPeople have to spend all of theirmoney on the rising prices of foodNo money going to otherindustries, e.g.clothesEconomydeterioratesDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node