The Germanic peoples lived
inside the Roman Empire
in Central and Eastern Europe
to the South of the Roman border
The Germanic peoples started coming into the Roman Empire because
the Huns pushed them
they wanted to get the Roman riches
they were looking for precious metals
The Huns were
a Germanic people
a nomadic people from Central Asia
a allied tribe of the Romans
The main leader of the Huns was
Theodoricus II
The Ostrogoths settled down in
present France
the Iberian Peninsula
present Italy
The Angles and Saxons settled down in
Great Britain
The Burgundians settled down in
present Belgium
the East of present France
present Romania
The Romans gave the Germanic peoples the name of
The entrance of the Germanic peoples into the Roman Empire was
a true invasion, because the Germanic armies invaded the Roman territories.
more a migration than an invasion, because whoe peoples came into the Roman Empire.
a temporary stay, because the Germanic peoples didn't settle down inside the Roman Empire.
The Germanic peoples that invaded the Iberian Peninsula initially were
The Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes
The Visigoths and the Ostrogoths
The Sueves, the Vandals and the Alans
The Germanic people that settled down in present France were
The Franks
The Burgundians
The Alamanni
The Western Roman Empire disappeared in
The last Western Roman Emperor was
Romulus Augustulus
The Germanic people that deposed the last Roman emperor were
The Visigoths
The Ostrogoths
The Lombards
The Germanic kingdoms appeared
Before the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire.
After the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire.
When Emperor Justinian conquered Italy and the North of Africa.
The type of government of the Germanic peoples was
an elective monarchy
a hereditary monarchy
a republic
The monarch in the Germanic Kingdoms was
elected by an assembly of noblemen.
the son of the previous monarch.
elected by the inhabitants of the kingdom.
The laws of the Germanic kingdoms were
written laws, as in the Roman Empire.
non written, but based on custom.
The law in the Germanic kingdoms was
Customary, based on custom.
Written by monarchs and noblemen in Parliaments.
The Law of Retaliation ("an eye for an eye").
The main economic activities of the Germanic peoples were
Agriculture and trade.
Agriculture and stockbreeding.
Stockbreeding and trade.
The Germanic peoples were
More advanced than the Romans.
More primitive than the Romans.
more or less equal to the Romans in economy and culture.
Pagans or Arians.
Arianism was
A heresy of Christianity that denied the divine nature of Christ.
The religion all the Germanic peoples practiced
A sect of Judaism the Germanic peoples followed.
Initially the Romans and the Germanic peoples
mixed intensely, because the Romans needed the Germanic peoples to work,
didn't mix and every community kept its separated laws and religion.
fought and they saw each other as enemies.
As time went by, the Germanic peoples
imposed their laws and customs to the Roman inhabitants of their kingdoms.
adopted many Roman customs, because Roman culture was superior to Germanic culture.
came back to Central and Eastern Europe and forgot the Roman customs.
Some of the things the Germanic peoples adopted from the Romans were
coins, Latin and religion.
wine, trade and urban life.
art, agriculture and weapons.
The society of the Germanic peoples was
mainly rural, with little trade and subsistence economy.
self-sufficient, because they produced everything they needed and they didn't have to buy anything.
an urban society, like the one of the Roman Empire.
The Germanic people that settled down in present Galicia were
The Visigoths.
The Sueves.
The Vandals.