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Roger Diaz
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind Map on LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, created by Roger Diaz on 14/07/2020.

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Roger Diaz
Created by Roger Diaz over 4 years ago
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LANGUAGE AND CULTUREInterculturalunderstandingIt refers to the study of differentcultural groups and socialgroups is there where the widerange of communicationprocesses and problems thatarise in an organization or socialcontext made up of individualsfrom different religions, socialand ethnic backgrounds isdescribed.There is a connectionbetween the language andcultural values.The culture anddeveloping respect.Takingresponsability.Students respect cultural differences.Interacting and empathising with others.USE STRATEGIES FOR TEACH CULTUREEvolution of cultures in our societyTechnology at the schoolTo Dance, art and music, Theacher using for improve themclassVideo understanding culture and diversityIntercultural competenceIt is the ability to communicate withother people from different cultures anddescribes the interaction between twoor more individuals in such a way thatno one is above the other, favoring theharmonious coexistence of all of them.Native competenceThe use of English as a world languageremoves limits and, for that reason, focusingon the cultural characteristics of the Englishdoes not make sense in that sense.This ability can be defined as turningintercultural encounters into interculturalrelationships. In other words, thedisposition to relativize the specialtiesand characteristics of another personfrom a different social group will allow toform a mutual understanding andrespect between cultures.Ability to communicate with variouspeople from other national andgeographic groups.Foreign language education is themost versatile tool to helpstudents' intercultural competencedevelopment.SOME STRATEGIES* Motivation *Respect *CollaborativeWork *Empathy *TolerancyIntercultural communicative competencewith other words and it is definedas “the ability to ensure a sharedunderstanding by people ofdifferent social identities, and theability to interact with people ascomplex human beings withmultiple identities and their ownindividuality” (Byram, Gribkova,& Starkey, 2002, p. 10)Critical Engagement with foreing cultureDisadvantaged in teaching the cultureEthnocentric attitudes ans perceptionsCreate*Mindfulness*CognitiveFlexibility*Tolerance foruncertaintyEthnocultural empathyEthnocultural empathycan develop when theteacher focuses hisattention on it and usesrelevant teachingtechniques.These techniques, while not constitutinglearning strategy instruction, can fosterthe kind of environment that helpsstudents in the classroom care about oneanother.Feelings and emotionsUse literature like Novels,games and poems in theclassroomDetermine how similar or different it is frombasic empathy.Learners can share feelingsuch empathy helps studentsfeel what someone from anotherculture feelsidentify their shared valuesand treat cultural differencesas a door that invites you tolearn about other cultures.Teachers’ PerceptionsThe relationship between the cultureof the target language and thelanguage itself has been discussedover the decades.language teachers adopt theapproach of teaching languageand culture in their courses andtry to integrate elements relatedto their teaching practicePedagogical documents and theapplication of appropriate teachingpractices would allow the instructor tofacilitate the inclusion of the term"culture" in their courses.Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node