Created by harry.vinall
almost 10 years ago
Did the Tsar honour his promises of October?
Who was appointed president of the council of ministers and what was his ideology?
What is the Soviet and western view of Russia's stability in 1914?
What did Stolypin do in terms of law and order? What was the impact?
What did he do in terms of the peasents?
What was the impact of these reforms?
What did Stolypin do in terms of industrial workers?
On a social level what was the aim of his peasant based reform and why did it fail?
How stable were urban areas on the brink of WW1?
What happened in the first Duma?
What was the impact of the early dissolution? What happened?
What happened in the second Duma?
What was the impact of the second Duma?
What happened in the third and forth Dumas?
How did Stolypin see the Duma?
Why was the impact of Stolyplin limited?