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Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

This took me a long time! Hope it helps with anybody's study! :)

Created by 1jdjdjd1 over 11 years ago
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over 2 years ago
This is just amazing. Thank you <3
over 10 years ago
Thanks Guys! :)
about 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
wwhhaaaooooo.... o.O wow.. :D :D
River Processes andLandformsRiver FeaturesSourceTributaryConfluenceMouthRiver BasinWatershedHigh ground thatseparates one river basinfrom anotherAn entire areadrained by a riverand its tributariesThe point where a riverenters the seaThe point at which atributary joins the riverA small river or stream thatjoins up with a larger oneThe point where a riverbeginsStages in a river'scourseYouthfulStage(lowercourse)MatureStage(middlecourse)Oldstage(uppercourse)The river has asteep gradient(slope)The valley has anarrow floor andsteep sidesThe river has agentlergradientThe valley hasa wider floorand the sidesare moregentlysloping.The river has analmost flatgradientThe valley has awide, flat floor andgentle sidesRiver processes ofErosionHydraulicactionAbrasionAttritionThe rounding of pebbles, stoneswhen they hit off each other andthe river bed as they movedownstream.When the material(the load)carried along by the river hits itsbanks and bed, wearing them away.The force of the movingwater that helps breakup rock over time.The riverdeposits its loadwhen:It loses speed andhas less energy.The river'svolumedecreases.It enters a flat orgently slopingplain.It flows into a lake orthe sea.River TransportationSuspensionSaltationTractionSolutionParticles are lifted andcarried by the river water.Particles are bouncedalong the river bed.Large stones are draggedor rolled along the riverbed.Some minerals, such as calciumcarbonate (limestone), aredissolved in the water.Features of theYouthful StageV-shaped valleyInterlocking spursWaterfallsGorgeFeatures of theMature StageWider ValleyMeandersNarrow flood plainFeatures of theOld StageOxbow lakeLeveesDeltaHigh banks along the river'schannel. They form from riverdepositsForm where some riversenter the sea. They are oftentriangular in shape. Theyform from river deposits,which are deposited when theriver slows down as it entersthe seaPeople Interfere with riversby building dams orman-made leveesRivers interfere withpeople by flooding.1. Towns, villagesand individualhouses may beflooded when riversoverflow their banks2. Crops such as cereals andhay may be damaged on floodplains3. Floods maysweep awaybridges, wallsand people'shomesAdvantages of river valleys to people1. Flood plains are usedto grow some kinds ofcrops and rear animalsfor food2.Level land invalleys is used tobuild towns and cities3. Early settlers usedriverside sites for watersupply, food supply andtransport facilities on the river.4. Norman settlersused rivers as a modeof defense aroundtheir castles5. Shallow places in riverswere used as crossing points.Most of our towns and citiesdeveloped at crossing pointsPotholesLarge MeandersDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node