use case
user goal technique
event decomposition technique
elementary business processes (EBPs)
external event
temporal event
CRUD technique
brief use case description
use case diagram
automation boundary
«includes» relationship
What is the best or most useful way to use the CRUD technique?
What does a CRUD matrix or table show?
What is the most common way to organize use cases?
What are the three component part of a use case diagram and what do they represent?
What does an “includes” relationship mean? And how is it represented?
What is the primary source of use cases in the user goal technique?
What is the difference between a state event and a temporal event?
How do you identify the scope of an event, i. e. what is part of the event and what is not?
Why don't we include technology dependent events such as logging onto a system? What is the
assumption that we make?
What are the five activities of systems analysis?
What is a use case?
What are the two techniques used to identify use cases?
Describe the user goal technique for identifying use cases.
What are some examples of users with different functional roles and at different operational levels?
What are some examples of use case names that correspond to your goals as a student going through the college registration process? Be sure to use the verb-noun naming convention.
What is the overarching objective of asking users about their specific goals?
How many types of users can have the same user goals for using the system?
Describe the event decomposition technique for identifying use cases.
Why is the event decomposition technique considered more comprehensive than the user goal technique?
What is an elementary business process (EBP)?
Explain how the event decomposition technique helps identify use cases at the right level of analysis.
What is an event?
What are the three types of events?
Define an external event and then give an example that applies to a checking account system.
Define a temporal event and then give an example that applies to a checking account system.
What are system controls, and why are they not considered part of the users’ functional requirements?
What is the perfect technology assumption?
What are three examples of events that are system controls in a typical information system that should not be included as a use case because of the perfect technology assumption?
What are the four operations that make up the CRUD acronym?
What is the main purpose of using the CRUD technique?
What is UML?
What is the purpose of UML use case diagrams?
What is another name for “actor” in UML, and how is it represented on a use case diagram?
What is the automation boundary on a use case diagram, and how is it represented?
How many actors can be related to a use case on a use case diagram?
Why might a systems analyst draw many different use case diagrams when reviewing use cases with end users?
What is the «includes» relationship between two use cases?
Think about a university course registration system. What is an example of an event of each type?
Name each event by using the guidelines for naming an external event.