Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

GCSE PE Quiz on PE 5.5 , created by GeniusCat on 07/04/2015.

Created by GeniusCat over 9 years ago

PE 5.5

Question 1 of 11


What is the definition of skill?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The act of gaining knowledge or acquiring skill

  • A closed skill is a basic skill not affected by its sporting equipment.

  • How skill is carried out

  • The response you get to your performance or output.

  • It is the learnt ability to bring about the result you want , with maximum certainty and efficiency.


Question 2 of 11


Choose the boxes that would describe a skilful player

Select one or more of the following:

  • Adaptable - can change for attack to defence with ease

  • Gives away possessions

  • Keeps the ball to themselves

  • Co - ordinated - all parts of the body work in unison to produce the skills

  • Looks like they are working harder to perform the same skill as a skilful player.

  • Aesthetically pleasing - the move / skill looks good when you watch

  • Execution - the correct weight and speed are given to passes.


Question 3 of 11


Choose the boxes that will describe the unskilful performer

Select one or more of the following:

  • Has less control of their actions

  • Correct technical technique - good technique is used in footwork, e.g. balance

  • Control - the correct weight and speed are given to passes

  • Execution - skills are smoothly performed even in difficult situations

  • Wastes their energy needlessly

  • Poor at reading game play

  • Maximum output, minimum energy output - skills such as turn in the air may looks easy

  • Likely to suffer injury.


Question 4 of 11


Ability is an inborn , natural characteristic and it cannot be trained or the natural state cannot be improved on.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 5 of 11


What is the definition of learning

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is the way in which you process the output information and produce results based on it

  • The act of gaining knowledge or acquiring skill

  • How the process of thinking and decision making is carried out


Question 6 of 11


Choose the boxes that will appeal to Visual learning

Select one or more of the following:

  • Often the last method when learning a new skill

  • It shows the whole overall skill

  • It could be demonstrated by teacher or be shown on the clip

  • You get physical support from teacher.


Question 7 of 11


Verbal learning is the words, sentences and phrases that must be clear, simple and straightforward. It is especially good when used with visual.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 8 of 11


Tick the boxes that is the part of manual learning

Select one or more of the following:

  • This method involves hands on approach from the coach

  • This method is only used by words and sentences

  • You get physical support from teacher

  • For example, your coach shows the clip with the special way of passing the ball and explains how to do it

  • A harness for climbing

  • This method dont use the presence of safety aids which doesnt gice the confidence to the performer.


Question 9 of 11


What is definition of the performance

Select one or more of the following:

  • The way the skill is carried out

  • The way the output is carried out

  • The way the process of thinking is carried out


Question 10 of 11


Basic/ Closed skill is

Select one or more of the following:

  • performed in the same situation that always remains the same, without changes

  • Could be affected by other players movement, the angle of the approaching ball, the pace of the ball, the distance the ball must reach, the height of the approaching.


Question 11 of 11


Complex/ open skill is

Select one or more of the following:

  • performed in an environment that is constantly changing

  • Performed in the environment that in which the output actions is not affected by its sporting environment.
