What year did Talcott Parsons publish his research?
What were some of the points Parson made?
The family has a fuctional 'fit' in society
The pre-industrial society was a nuclear family
The family performs 4 functions
The family performs 2 functions
Joint conjugal roles are a growing trend
There is a clear division in domestic labour
His work was published before Murdock
His work was published after Murdock
The wife plays the expressive role and husband instrumental role
Women working means they play the dual burden role
Who distingues between joint conjugal roles and segregated conjugal roles?
Willmott and Young
Anne Oakely
Elizabeth Bott
Peter Murdock
Why did Anne Oakley criticise Young and Willmott's research?
They ignore family diversity
Although men do housework, it wasn't symmetrical
They ignore patriarchy and that men still oppress women
fewer than 20% of husbands had a role in childcare
Fill in the gaps- the future foundations study ( A ) found that B% of men claimed to do more C% than their fathers, while D% of women claimed to do less B than their mothers.
A- 1990 B- 60% C- childcare D- 75%
A- 2001 B-75% C- housework D- 60%
A-2000 B- 60% C- housework D- 75%
A-2000 B- 60% C- childcare D- 70%
Who distinguishes the notions between childhood in the middle ages and today?
Neil Postman
Jane Pilcher
Phillip Aries
Linda Pollock
2 functionalists who think the families perform functions
Parsons and Talcott
Murdock and Parsons
Zaretsky and Engles
Greer and Ansley
2 Marxists who believe the family only benefits the ruling class
Talcott and Zaretsky
Engles and Monogamy
Greer and Zaretsky
Peter townsend (1981) said-
Problems in society lay in the esculating costs of health and social care for the elderly
Old age has beeen socially constructed as a period of dependency by creating age of retirement
We need to reverse the current trend towards earlier retirement
who said- Love and personal commitment are the most important things in a marriage -
Allan and Crow
Mitchell and Goody
Tracey Reynolds
Who did Tracey Reynolds say still had role models without the presence of a father?
Black extended families
White single parent families
The nuclear family
Black single parent families
"The growth of single parent families is a result of over generous welfare benefits"
Charles Murray
Who uses the life course analysis?
Rapport and Rapport
The life course analysis is....
The life of reproducing families is fixed and predictable
Family life isn't fixed and is flexible based on an individuals decisions
The life course is determined by the decisions of the individuals parents
The family is flexible but also predictable
Hilary Land (1978)
The patriarchal family is no longer dominant, we have choice
Social policies assume the ideal family is the most dominant
See's social policies as the state controlling family
Donzelot argues social policy is a form of state control