Created by aneeqaahmed
almost 10 years ago
Physics: Living for the future
(Energy Resources)
P2 Flash Cards
Advantages of Photocells
Disadvantages of Photocells
How photocells work
(Stage 1 + 2)
How photocells work
(Stage 3 + 4)
What a Photon is
What the output from a photocell depends on:
Passive Solar Heating 1
Passive Solar Heating 2
Passive Solar Heating 3
Heat from the sun
Energy from the wind:
Wind Farms -
(Advantages and Disadvantages)
How a current from a dynamo can be increased
Simple Generators
How a Current can be produced.
Power Stations
Energy Efficiency
Greenhouse gases 1
Carbon Dioxide occurs naturally
because of:
Water Vapour
Greenhouse Gases 2
The Greenhouse Effect
Dusts in the atmosphere
Measuring Power
Measuring Power
Cheaper Electricity
Energy Sources
The National Grid
Transmission Losses
Ionisation 1
Formation of Ions
Properties of Ionising Radiation 1
Properties of Ionising Radiation 2
Property of Ionising Radiation 3
Uses of Radioactivity
Smoke Alarms
(Alpha Radiation)
Uses of Radioactivity
Paper rolling Mill
(Beta Radiation)
Uses of Radioactivity
Sterilising Medical Instruments
(Gamma radiation)
Nuclear Waste
Radioactive Waste
Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Stations
Black Holes
Centripetal Force
Exploring the Planets
(Clothing in Space)
Space 1
Space 2
Distances in Space
Origin of The Moon 1
Origin of The Moon 2
Comets Orbit
(Most Comets pass inside the orbit of Mercury and well beyond the orbit of Pluto)
(Near-Earth Objects)
The Universe
Definition of The Red Shift
Nebula Clouds
Gravity and Stars
A star's life history
(Small Stars)
The end of a star's life
(Medium Sized Star)
The end of a star's life
(Large Stars)
The end of a star's life
(Black Hole)
The Universe