Bid'ah is worse than __________.
Good Deeds
Rasul Allahﷺ told us to Hold on to two things, they are:
Peer Sahab
Firqah (Sect)
Before you do any good deed hoping for the reward from Allahﷻ, What should you do?
Say ﷽
Inform the people around you
Look for the Proof in Qur'an and Sunnah
Give Sadaqah
Say the words of Verbal Niyyah (Intention)
Some of the sunnahs are:
Doing Istikharah (Authentic way only)
Qailoola (Afternoon Nap)
Cover the Pots and Pans before Sleeping
Tasbeehat before Sleeping (Tasbeehat al Fatimah)
Qur'an Khawani
Salat al-Tasbeeh once in life
We shouldn't let any one pass in front of us during Salaah because ______________.
It's a form of outside distraction from Shaitan
It makes us look at that person
It is very annoying
It is disrespecting the one who is praying
It is disrespecting Ibadah