Good parents don't immediately blame their children
It is not necessarily the fault of the children
They are reasonable
They do not fight and they never shout
They stay calm and logical
As for school, they don't accept straight away the critics of the teachers.
They are nice, open and relaxed
As for (their) friends
Rarely, sometimes, from time to time, normally, always, often
They rarely lose their temper
They always respect opinions of their children
They fight sometimes
They are often open and laid back
They rarely refuse to accept the reasons of their children
They always listen to their kids
Grant lots of indepenence to their children
Help their kids to be happy
Help the kids to succeed
Love their kids without conditions
I would respect the kids
To give all the necessary advice
To encourage respect and positive attitudes
To be firm with their kids
To be strict with their kids
To protect their kids all the time
If i was mum od the familly, i would ensure a safe family atmosphere
That said
At the same time
You must listen to opinions, ideass, problems
You must be there to listen to kids
You must respect their feelings
You must respect the choice of friends, clothing, boyfriends, musique and studies
You must respect the privacy
Their private life
Their bedroom
Youo must repect their personal space
You must be patient, tolerant and understanding
You must give good advice
To give freedom
To be reasonable
To be interested in their school progress
You mut not blame the kids for no reason
You must not critisize them
You must not fight in front of the kids
You must not be on their case all the time
I get on well/badly with
I find her/him/them nice/strict
He/she annoys me/irritates me/critisizes me all the time
He/she gets on well with
It is unbearable!
They are preoocupied with
Due to my parents
They only think about two things
They said i cannot go out with my friends during the week
I have too much homework, and preparation to do for exams
They are clearly too strict
My mum accepts the clothes i choose
My mum doesn't appreciat eht clothes i wear when i go out with them
Frankly, it is unacceptable!
I begin to crack!
I don't have the right to do anything
For me, a good parent is someone who
According to me, you must
In regards to, you must
As for me, i find that
To borrow without permisson
To make crazy
Different opinions on religion, tidying, school work, freedom and choice of job
A subject of argument
Agree with
Emotional ties
As for
To be worried with
In comparison with
Etre exaspéré de/fatigue de/ en avoir marre de
My parents listen to me and give me advice
My parents are frankly reasonable, but especially my mum
My mum repects my independence and listens to me attentitively
Despite the uncertainty it can bring upon a family
Lets discuss
Its a plus for all
The kids find, for their part, the security of a new happy family
Jealousy often manifensts betweeen natural children and step children
They refuse also to accept the authority of a new dad or new mum
People think that remarriage is an actof selfishness pure and simple
A single parent family
The procedures for adoption have become accelerated
The demands for divorce have become simplified
The blame or guilt
Break up