Infrared radiation
Electromagnetic spectrum
Energy from the sun
Greenhouse effect
Surfaces are best absorbers and reflectors of radiation
States of matter
Changes of state
Kinetic theory of matter
Conduction in metals
Using convection
How convection works
Cooling by evaporation
Factors affecting rate of evaporation
Factors affecting rate of condenstation
Cooling by design
Vacuum flask
Factors affecting rate of energy transfer
Specific heat capacity
Storage heaters
Reducing rate of energy transfer at home
Solar heating panels
Payback time
Forms of energy: On the move
Conservation of energy: Funfair
Pendulum swinging
Conservation of energy
Bungee jumping
Useful energy
Disc brakes at work
Spreading out
Energy and efficiency
Sankey diagrams
Efficiency limits
Improving efficiency
Electrical appliances
Clockwork radio
Choosing an eletrical appliance
Electrical power
Efficiency and power
Using electrical energy
Paying for eletrical energy
Cost effectiveness
Payback time!
Lighting costs
Inside a power station
Nuclear power
How electricity is obtained from a nuclear power station
Wind power
Wave power
Hydroelectric power
Tidal power
Solar radiation
Solar cells
Solar heating panel
Solar power tower
Geothermal energy
Fossil fuel problems
Nuclear power advantages
Nuclear power disadvantages
Renewable energy sources and the environment - advantages
Renewable energy sources and the environment - disadvantadges
National Grid
Power and grid voltage
Underground or overhead
Supply and demand
Meeting variable demand for electricity
Nature of waves
Transverse waves
Longitudinal waves
Measuring waves
Wave speed
Plane mirror
Law of relfection
Image formation by a plane mirror
Real and virtual images
Refraction rules
Refraction by prism
Diffraction details
Signal problems
Investigating sound waves
Relfection of sound
Refraction of sound
Musical sounds
Musical instruments
Electromagnetic spectrum
Speed of electromagnetic waves
Energy and frequency
Light and colour
Infrared radiation
Infrared devices
Radio waves
Radio communications
Radio wavelengths
Mobile phone radiation
Is mobile phone radiation dangerous
Mobile phone hazards
Optical fibre communication
Doppler effect
Expanding universe
Big bang
Evidence for big bang
Cosmic background radiation
Future of universe