Each question in this quiz is timed.
READ CAREFULLY THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ANSWER SOMETHING 1. These are advantages of ______________ assessment. There is communicative interaction, better evidence for language use in different situations more motivating for students, and more authenticity.
Final evaluation
2. Pay attention at this example: The students are representing a short dialogue and the teacher is observing and taking notes. This is an example of ____________ assessment
3.To develop better assessment tools, teachers should consider three questions in the process:
Why, how much and what
Where, when and who
Why, What, and How
4. ___________is used when placing students into courses, diagnosing their needs, determining when learning goals are met, evaluating teaching methods, as well as providing learners with self-evaluative information.
5. These are some disadvantages of _______________ assessment: These activitivies can produce anxiety, The teacher not identify some inauthenticity in interview structure, Time-consuming to conduct and score, and It is difficult to find the best method for scoring.
Indirect assessment
Evaluation process
Direct assessment
6. In this type of assessment the student must complete sentences, choose the correct answer and write if the statement is true or false.
7. It is a tool used to score assessment that provides teachers with areas to focus their evaluation.
Score interpretation
8. This type of assessment tries to measure language through means that are not directly productive.
9. This CALL stage____________________ emerged in the 1970s and 1980s as a reaction to the conductist approach to language learning. Proponents stressed that CALL should focus more on using forms rather than on the forms themselves. Grammar should be taught implicitly and students should be encouraged to generate original utterances instead of manipulating prefabricated forms. This form of computer-based instruction corresponded to cognitive theories which recognized that learning was a creative process of discovery, expression, and development.
Behaviorist CALL
Communicative CALL
10. _______________________This is the most recent stage of Computer-Assisted Language Learning .Teachers have moved away from a cognitive view of communicative language teaching to a socio-cognitive view
Integrative CALL
11. This CALL stage_______________________ was the first form of computer-assisted Language Learning featured repetitive language drills, the so-called drill-and-practice method. It was based on the conductist learning model and as such the computer was viewed as little more than a mechanical tutor that never grew tired.
Behaviourist CALL