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french grammar parts

Created by annabelmiddleton almost 10 years ago
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French GrammarReflexive verbsS'entendre= I get onJem'entendstu t'entendsil/elle s'entendsnous nous entendonsvous vous entendezils/elless'entendentFollowed by"avec" which inturn is usuallyfollowed by anemphatic pronoun.Je moitu toiil luielle ellenous nousVous Vousils euxelles elleseg. Je m'entends avec mes parents Iget on well with my parentsMon frĆØre et moi ne nous entendons pas avec eux Mybrother and I don't get on with themwhen you carry out anactivity that involvesyourself.To talk about interaction between peoplee.g. elle se dispute aver son frerepasse composeIs the verb one of 15ĆŖtre verbs (mrsVandertramp) or isit reflexiveYesNoChoose the correct form EtreJe suisTu esil/elle estNous sommesVous etesils/elles sontIs the verb reflexive?yeslook at reflexive verbs infoNoChoose the correct form of avoirj'aitu asil/elle aNous avonsvous avezils/elles ontIs the regular orirregular?RegularIrregularavoirboireconnaitrecroiredevoirdireecrireetrefaireliremettreouvrirpouvoirprendrerecevoirriresavoirvivrevoirTo form the regular past participleser verbsCross off er and add ere verbsCross off re and add uir verbscross off ir add iImperfect tenseTo form the imperfect we takethe nous form of the presenttense and take off the ons to getthe imperfect stemTo this stem we add theendings as followsjetuilnousvousilsaisaisaitionsiezaientEXCEPTIONS:etre whose stem is etverbs like manger and ranger whohave an extra "e" in the nous formof the present tense, retain this inthe imperfect to make the "g"sound soft (mon frere mangeait)Verbs like commencer,which have a "c" in thenous form, retain this tomake the "c" sound soft(je commencais).describing things in thepast (setting the scene)talking about oneoff, or completedactivities and sudden actionsDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node